RoadKing Series II - or - Mark IV

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TriAxis, RKII, or Mark IV?

  • Keep the TriAxis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Get a RoadKing Series II

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Get a rackmount Mark IV

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Well-known member
Jan 27, 2005
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Interesting dilemma. I own a TriAxis/2:90 combo, and I just realized that I only really use the Lead2's (I quite dislike the Lead1's on my post- '05 NAMM TriAxis). Therefore, that would imply that I should get a Mark IV, as it would get me closer to the tone I really want (either JP's tone in G3 Tokyo or Liquid Tension Experiment 2). The TriAxis is nice, but not exactly what I'm searching for.

So I guess the question is, RKII or MkIV? Cost isn't much of a concern, as I'm willing to be patient and save up to get the one I want. So which should I get?

I love SimulClass and JP's tone in LTE2. Therefore I should get a MkIV. However, I'm hesitant on buying it because the design is just so old. I have a sneaking suspicion that the year I buy one, the following NAMM they will release a new version or something. That would severely piss me off.

On the other hand, I love JP's RK tone. And the RKII is supposed to be even better. I also love the Lonestar cleans.

Ah, the dilemma! What to do? Not to mention, I could even keep the TriAxis if it really came down to it (though I think I'd rather have a MkIV than the TA).
Having had my RK mkI for a few days. all I can say is get one. You won't be dissapointed.
I sold my Triaxis/2:90 combo for a RK and haven't looked back since. Go for it, you won't be dissapointed.
The MKIV I had was the most souless amp ever. I know 3 other people who bought them and ended up selling saying it was a no-feel, inconsistant annoyance. Get the Road King. They are night and day.
Sorry to slightly steel your post here but for the Roadking owners out there. Concidering the RK is a Duel Rec, does it have all the fizziness of the Duel rec at low bedroom levels??

That is one reason I liked the Triaxis V2 Pre Mod/2:90. If the RK could do the Rec tone without the fizz then it is a clear winner in my book. All the Mark IV's I tested never sounded nice.

Best just to try them yourself and pick what you like. Some of the best solo sounds I've ever heard have come out of the MK series amps. If you can't get an awesome sound out of a MK series amp it's likely your guitar or poor technique that's the problem. Road Kinds are option filled amps for sure but the simulclass is what makes the MK series so smooth and the RoadKing is the grainy buzzsaw fuzz sound you're talking about as it is a glorified rectumfrier.
Best just to try them yourself and pick what you like. Some of the best solo sounds I've ever heard have come out of the MK series amps. If you can't get an awesome sound out of a MK series amp it's likely your guitar or poor technique that's the problem. Road Kinds are option filled amps for sure but the simulclass is what makes the MK series so smooth and the RoadKing is the grainy buzzsaw fuzz sound you're talking about as it is a glorified rectumfrier.
John Petrucci can get some of the smoothest, liquid lead tones out of a Road King. I don't know what anyone's talking about when they bring up buzz or fizz with regard to this amp.

If you hate Boogies, what are you wasting your time on this forum for?
I have to agree with Cudbucket....I don't know what Road King you guys have heard or played, but mine sure is fizz....unless that's the way I want it and actually set it.

I have said this before (as have many here) and I'll say it again. Boogies are not usually "plug and play devices". You have to spend time with them learning how their controls interact with each other and with your effects and guitars. Only then can you access all the sounds available to you.

Both the Road King and the MK IV are fabulous amps. I have played both. I have gotten similar sounds out of both....but I matter what amp I matter what settings or effects I use....even if I set my amp "just like John Petrucci"...I still sound like.....*gasp*....ME.

Either amp you choose is gonna give you great tones.....the rest is up to you.

I've owned two Mark IVs and I really liked them except that I could never get a tone I liked on the R2. And again, any amp can sound fizzy at low volumes. When I was at a John Petrucci clinic in 2004, he used two RK's in stereo and his tone was anything but fizzy. It was smooth and fat.

I got a little upity when the comment was made about the MKIV being a dead amp with no life. I think a lot of it has to do with the style you play and like and what you're looking for. Both of these amps have a long learning curve and are not plug and play. Some players styles will better suit different amps. I looked for ages for an amp that would stay with me when I played... and amp that would pay attention to what I was doing and it turned out to be a MKIV that complimented my style. The Road King wasn't as soft and smooth. Now that said, it doesn't mean it can't just means I couldn't. Either amp is a great choice and is totally subjective to the players ears. I wish that there was an amp that combined all the features of both amps... that would be my choice. So if I offended anyone I appologize... I just get a little pissed when people put down my amp... When I bought the amp I called boogie and talked to several techs because the store was trying to turn me off from the MKIV saying it was dinasour tecnology... the techs a Mesa basically said that the Vintage amps that are sought after are all dinasour....tubes are dinasour and that isn't a bad thing. All that is being done is different configurations, etc and that the MKIV can get pretty much any sound you want if you tweek it. The reason so many knobs and switches is to eliminate most of the mods people were asking for in the older MK series amps. The Road King is voiced off of the Rectifier Series instead of the MK Series and if you like the more agressive attack then that series is your better bet. Two incredibly versitile amps that are the full option models of their series. So the right answer of which amp is better is up to the individual and personal taste.
Well put, srf399....

I love both amps....If I didn't have the RK, I'd have the MK IV. Both are awesome...and both make me sound like ME.....just cooler, cuz I'm playing a Boogie.

Nice comments in here. I'm glad to see that everyone is offering constructive comments instead of meaningless flaming.

Although I own a RK, and not a MKIV, I think that both amps are superb. Since I don't own a MKIV, I'm not commenting on that amp. In fact I'm only going to make one point about the RK, but I think that it's an important (and commonly misunderstood) point:

Don't be fooled by the fact that the RK is called a "Dual Rectifier Road King." If someone asked me to concisely describe my RK, I definitely wouldn't start out by saying, "well it sounds like a Dual Rectifier."

If you spend time with the *tempermental* RK, you'll notice that you can dial in some super silky liquid tones that are pure cotton candy. I could never do that on a traditional Dual/Triple Rectifier.

Kudos to both the MK IV and the RK for being tremendous pieces of equipment, and WOE to the person who purchases either one without consulting their own ears first.
Road King baby!
Whoa! Flamed Spalted Maple. Good lord. Too bad you can't even look at it without fear of dingin' it.
mloiaco said:
Nice comments in here. I'm glad to see that everyone is offering constructive comments instead of meaningless flaming.

Although I own a RK, and not a MKIV, I think that both amps are superb. Since I don't own a MKIV, I'm not commenting on that amp. In fact I'm only going to make one point about the RK, but I think that it's an important (and commonly misunderstood) point:

Don't be fooled by the fact that the RK is called a "Dual Rectifier Road King." If someone asked me to concisely describe my RK, I definitely wouldn't start out by saying, "well it sounds like a Dual Rectifier."

If you spend time with the *tempermental* RK, you'll notice that you can dial in some super silky liquid tones that are pure cotton candy. I could never do that on a traditional Dual/Triple Rectifier.

Kudos to both the MK IV and the RK for being tremendous pieces of equipment, and WOE to the person who purchases either one without consulting their own ears first.

Yeah, I don't understand how anyone can label the RK as fizzy either. Petrucci gets stupid smooth lead tones out of it.
My MkIV combo filled the bill for me I tried the Road King liked it but size limitation was a factor. I play for hobby/pleasure and have space constraint in my home office.
As for dinosaurs and sound alike.
I liked dinosaurs as a kid and I like them now-Rock On-
Let JP, EVH, EJ, EC, be themselves all wanted their own sound.
Be yourself, experiment, practice, sweat and rock on - ENJOY!