Roadking 2x12 Cab and 2:90

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Mar 29, 2009
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Just wondering if this cab can be used with the 2:90 in stero mode using each single speaker through a seperate channel and if anyone has tried this combination?

I really like the idea of the Roadking cabinets and the open back/closed back setup and thinking about getting one for some versatility but cant seem to find any users that have feedback from this exact setup or just using the 2x12 cab.
If the cab has stereo 4 or 8 ohm inputs, you're good to go. I have an Avatar 2x12 cab I use with my 2:90, running stereo 4 ohms out of the 2:90 and it sounds great.
Thanks for the reply mate :D

The cab does have 4 and 8 ohm inputs so i dont think it will be a problem also. The avatar 2x12 cabs do look nice and so do the port city but the roadking cab with the openback C90 and the close back V30 combo wired in stereo sounds interesting to me, im pretty sure Mesa in the past had made a 2x12 combo cab like this but well before the roadking era. Im gonna take my TA and 2:90 into the local music store and try it out on this roadking cab and see what it sounds like.