Road King Series I Effects Loops Advise Please

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Jun 26, 2008
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I have a RKI with a boss GE-7 and a DD-3. I want the GE-7 to be on all the time but want to be able to turn the DD-3 on/off. I have been previously running the GE-7 through the series loop and the DD-3 through the parallel loop (this would allow me to control the DD-3 as needed). Everything sounds ok, the delay is not as stong as I would like it to be plus it seems to be that delay should be run through a series loop not a parallel loop. Running the GE-7 through the parallel loop doesnt seem to have as strong of an effect on the tone as I would like it to be. (I would prefer not to mod the para loop to be a series loop since I may need it para some time down the road)

Any thoughts on this set-up? I realize I could run both through the series loop and physcially place the delay pedal next to the king controller and turn it on/off there but then there are just more cables running back to the amp. I like keeping the pedals behind the amp with short cables.

One more, would you guys be willing to share some popular GE-7 settings?

Thanks in advace!!
With my RKI 212 combo, I run a harmonizer in loop 1 and a delay pedal in loop 2. When I first did this, I found that I couldn't balance the signal on loop 2 - I always had a level drop when I kicked the delay in. I fixed the problem by adding a GE7 after the delay pedal in the loop (a Line6 Echo Park, btw). The GE7 allowed me to boost the signal with the output slider, and bring the delay out clear as a bell. With this arrangement I had tonal control over the delay as well (boosting the mids is good for bring the delay out in solos). Worked for me. :)

I will give that a try. I was ulitimately hoping to have the GE-7 on all the time and still be able to kick in the delay on/off when needed. However, the amp by itself does sound pretty good :lol: so I may use the GE-7 with the delay for the extra kick. Thanks!