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Well-known member
May 17, 2005
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Well, a new Road King head with 2 x 12 3/4 Mesa cab followed me home from Guitar Center on Christmas Eve. I have a few questions and I'm hoping that someone might have some helpful advice:

1. What combination gives you the best clean headroom? Is it Channel 1, all power tubes engaged, clean? I tried this but it just didn't sound "BIG" enough- its not much louder than my Vibro King.

2. I'm not an effects/Loop guy- I only occasionally even run a wah wah. Do I therefore just keep all of the loop options in the off position with no effect?

3. The last two tubes on the right as you're facing the back of the amp (the rectifer tubes- something like 5UG4) are very dim. Might they need replacing and is there any other way to tell if tubes are weak (as opposed to the tube completely failing?)

4. Any suggestions on Triode vs. Pentode for the EL 34's?

Thanks and I know I'll have lots of other questions.
Well I am still new to my Road King but I think the rectifier tubes are supposed to be dim.Plus the only glow in the tubes is just the heater and I don't think you can't tell if the tube is bad by how it glows usually, unless the heater is bad.

For my clean I always just use 4 6l6's and crank up the volume and keep gain just low enough to prevent breakup.I think I run on the clean switch, but I forgot.Sounds very big for me.At least compared to a Fender Bandmaster.
pjrhd28 said:
Well, a new Road King head with 2 x 12 3/4 Mesa cab followed me home from Guitar Center on Christmas Eve. I have a few questions and I'm hoping that someone might have some helpful advice:

1. What combination gives you the best clean headroom? Is it Channel 1, all power tubes engaged, clean? I tried this but it just didn't sound "BIG" enough- its not much louder than my Vibro King.

2. I'm not an effects/Loop guy- I only occasionally even run a wah wah. Do I therefore just keep all of the loop options in the off position with no effect?

3. The last two tubes on the right as you're facing the back of the amp (the rectifer tubes- something like 5UG4) are very dim. Might they need replacing and is there any other way to tell if tubes are weak (as opposed to the tube completely failing?)

4. Any suggestions on Triode vs. Pentode for the EL 34's?

Thanks and I know I'll have lots of other questions.

1: I run 4 6L6's on the clean setting on chan 1
2: If you have no FX, leave the loops off.
3: Mine don't glow too much as I recall, I think as I crank it up and play they glow a little more (but I'm not sure).
4: It's all opinion as to what you like? If you want a tighter sound, go solid state, if you want a "spongier", more vintage tone go with tube..... Over-all most people cant tell the difference, it's more of a feel thing I think.

Thats all I know about it....... I've only had mine about a month and played 5 shows with it and I LOVE It!!

Try this for fun..... the Brit mode on channel 2 with the trebble up all the way and the gain between 3:00 and all the way up and the bass and mids about 11:00 and the presence about 10:00 to 11:00 while running just the EL34's.... I love this sound!! Kind of "Marshally" (for lack of better words).
For clean, I run 4 6L6's on the clean master cranked all the way, and the gain set to just under breakup with whatever guitar I'm using.

As far as the rectifier tubes...they are supposed to be that way, don't sweat it.

The loop switches on the back panel for each channel: when you have them "on" the loop is active ALL THE TIME REGARDLESS OF WEATHER IT IS FOOTSWITCHED ON OR NOT.

Naturally, if you aren't running anything in the effects loop, don't worry...just keep them off. But if you do put something in the loop...leave them in the "off" position unless you want that effect on that channel all the time.
I have gigged constantly with my RK combo since Feb of are gonna love this amp.


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