Road King owners...,how do YOU have your G Major hooked too

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Jun 18, 2005
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Ive heard a few different ways of doing this, but I either get a loud hummm in the cab, no volume,and/or have zero control of the G Major using my RK foor board. Ive even used the EXT Trigger(RK) to the External Control in (G Major),.,nothing.

Could a few please explain the properway of setting this up ?

Using a Korg DTR 1000 tuner, G Major, Road King Head.

Guitar -> tuner -> amp ->(loop send) g-major l/mono input -> l/mono out (loop return)

Dont connect the ext control on g-major to the amp...this is for using the g-major to channel-switch a 2-ch amp via midi. If i'm not mistaken the R/K head has both series and parallel loops. If it were me, I would use the parallel one so the natural tone of the amp is not colored by the fx. If you decide to go parallel, make sure to use the DRYKILL feature on the g-major. Set the fx send level on the amp to "unity gain"(around 1:00) and the in/out levels on the fx unit to get a good strong signal without clipping and no volume loss. Last, set the fx mix on the amp for however much you want to blend the effected sound in with the amp sound.

If you still get that 60Hz hum, lift the fx unit from ground (do NOT ground-lift the amp unless you like getting shocked when you touch mic's or other equipment). If that doesnt fix it, try an ebtech hum eliminator or art cleanbox or similar device.

Hope that helps
NoGlassNoClass said:
Guitar -> tuner -> amp ->(loop send) g-major l/mono input -> l/mono out (loop return)

Dont connect the ext control on g-major to the amp...this is for using the g-major to channel-switch a 2-ch amp via midi. If i'm not mistaken the R/K head has both series and parallel loops. If it were me, I would use the parallel one so the natural tone of the amp is not colored by the fx. If you decide to go parallel, make sure to use the DRYKILL feature on the g-major. Set the fx send level on the amp to "unity gain"(around 1:00) and the in/out levels on the fx unit to get a good strong signal without clipping and no volume loss. Last, set the fx mix on the amp for however much you want to blend the effected sound in with the amp sound.

If you still get that 60Hz hum, lift the fx unit from ground (do NOT ground-lift the amp unless you like getting shocked when you touch mic's or other equipment). If that doesnt fix it, try an ebtech hum eliminator or art cleanbox or similar device.

Hope that helps

Ive been told NOT to run my tuner in the chain. So As I have it right now.

Guitar->Amp(front input) .

Then:On the back of the head:

Send 1(RK) -> G Major Balanced Inputs Left (mono) -> G Major Balanced Output Left (mono) -> Return 1(RK).

For the Korg Tuner:

Send 2 (RK) -> in (Korg) ->out (Korg) -> Return 2 (RK)

External control NOT hooked up.

BUT, the volume levels on clean channel 1 & 2 (RK) are LOW, very low. But channels 3 & 4 (RK) are nice a high. WHY???????

If it were me, I would use the parallel one so the natural tone of the amp is not colored by the fx. If you decide to go parallel, make sure to use the DRYKILL feature on the g-major.

You lost me here, could explain to me the retarded what this means .
And, where is the drykill feature ?

So I guess I cant use the RK floor board to control the muting of the Gmajor, meaning, I just want to use the amp alone, without the gmajor for the begining of the song, but during the chorus, I want to swith to the G major for a effect, and go back to just the RK. I was told to use the Ext trigger, and I should be able to switch back and forth.
OK think I got it....Loop2 is the parallel one, so connect the Gmajor here. Use the loop1 send to the tuner (no return from tuner. This is likely the source of your ground-loop hum). Also connecting this way allows the loop send on the amp to control the level to your fx unit, curing the vol difference between channels. If in doubt consult pages 23-26 of your manual (if you dont have one you can get it from

Using the DRYKILL setting on your Gmajor (gotta look at your manual on this...I have used the Gmajor but I do not own one) allows only the effected sound to come out of the fx units outputs. You mix this in with your dry amp sound using the mix controls on the back of the amp. Much nicer tone this way than running your entire signal thru the Gmajor's A/D and D/A converters.

To switch the fx in/out of your sound, just hit the Loop2 on your footswitch, rather than using some kind of trigger to bypass the fx unit.

**Just thought of this...if you do connect your tuner return back to the amp (Loop1), set the tuner to MUTE, and when you stomp on Loop 1 on the footswitch it will mute the amp so you can tune silently.
Loop2 is the parallel one, so connect the Gmajor here

Meaning ? Go from Loop 2 on the back of the road king to the gmajor input ? Where does the output go ?

Im a little confused . Am I suppost to run the cable from whats marked LOOP 2, or the one that says Send 2 ? Ive tried both ones "marked" loop, but no sound.

Here's a shot of the rear, and how I have it right now.



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