Road King II channel 4 fried??? Help Please!

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Well-known member
Jan 14, 2007
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Please help

Everything works fine on all four channels for the first 5 minutes the amp is on. Then, once its warmed up , and I'm on channel 4 this happens:
1) channel 3 LED starts to light up while I'm still on channel 4
2) A clicking/fizzle/static type sounds happens for about 5 seconds
3) channel 4 light goes out and it starts to operate on channel 3

This happens on all power tube configurations. I rotated all the preamp tubes and yet this still only happens on channel 4

Any advice would be very much welcomed

Have you tried the amp without the footswitch & footswitch cable connected? If you repeat the same senerio using only the controls on the amp do you have the same result?

Could just be a flaky fs cable or connector.

Good luck,
Thank you!

I can't believe I went through everything on the amp, but didn't think to unplug the controller. I'm an idiot.
Channel four works without the controller, but the clicking/sizzling sound is coming from the amp when it's plugged back in. Could that be as simple as a cable do you think, or is it maybe on the board? As I ask this, I'm trying to get my hands on another footswitch cable to test it out. I hope its just the cable. The Mesa guy here takes weeks to do repairs
I found a 7pin cable and tested that one, and it seems to work fine now. I can't believe a bad cable caused all that ruckus inside the amp. Funny thing too is that I don't see yet which function I'm losing with the 7 pin din vs the original 8 pin. I don't think it's good to run the 7pin so I'll replace the 8 anyway.

thanks again for the assistance!

Does the same thing with other cables too. Just took longer to get there. SO frustrating.
I've been playing Boogies for 20 years (along with some other misc tube amps here and there...but always had a Mesa too,) I'm sick of the issues with tube amps. I'm thinking about getting a Kemper now. Maybe it's because I'm just pissed I'm thinking this way. At least its under warranty, but now I'll have to take the amp to the lone Mesa tech in the area. Maybe I'll get it back by my Christmas gigs.

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