Road King Cab. Worth it for Road King Head???

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Dawg Fan

Sep 7, 2006
Reaction score
I will be ordering a Road King head shortly and will be buying a 2 x 12. I currently play a few different combos as well as a Mark IV with a Thiele so I need to get a new cab for the RK head. I am debating about going with the Road King cab, a Bogner 2 x 12, or a Recto 2 x 12. I have had a Bogner 2 x 12 and a Recto 2 x12 in the past and based on that I would go with the Bogner. It just seemed to have a woodier more organic sound. The downside was the size.

I am a bit concerned that the RK cab may be a bit over engineered. At the same time I am concerned that I may be leaving something on the table if I don't go with the RK cab. I would like to add heads to my colection down the road (e.g., Hot Cat, Shiva etc.). Does the RK cab work well with other heads?

Thanks for any input!
To make use of all the features of the road king, which I assume is the very point of the extra money over a dual, you really should get the cab made for it, IMO.
I use Roadking cabs and don't even have a Roadking. I just like the sound of the cabs paired up with my other amps.
+1 to what MelodyMan said.

Happy Road King 4x12 cab owner here, and I don't own a Road King head either. There are many different ways to use these cabs with different heads. I know these cabs are made especially for Road King heads, but I almost feel like they made my cab just for me. Versatile tool for my studio. It can do mellow, it can do in-yer-face, it can do vintage and it can do modern sounds. Stereo or mono. V30 or C90 or both. Gives new life to the old saying about having your cake and eating it too.

These comments reflect my opinion after two years of use with the following heads and combos:

Mesa Single Rec Solo 50
Mesa Rocket .44 1x12 combo
Mesa Blue Angel
Orange Rocker 30 1x12 combo
Laney LC15R 1x10 combo
Laney VC50
Fender Deluxe Reverb 1x12 combo
Fender Pro Jr. 1x10 combo

Happy hunting!
