Road King 2 cab question.

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Sep 12, 2008
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Hi all,

I’m hoping someone could please confirm a question about my Road King 2 head and Road King 4x12 cab connection for me?

I am wanting to connect my Road King 4x12 cab so that I can use either 2xC90, 2xV30 or both at the same time using the speaker switch for each channel. I know that I connect two speaker leads to the two 8 ohm speaker connections on the cab, but I am a bit confused as to which speaker outputs on the amp to use.

Can someone please confirm whether I connect to both speaker outputs A and B 8 ohm jacks or one each of the 4 ohm jacks?

I would really appreciate any advice as the manual doesn't seem clear regarding this and I want to avoid any possible damage.

Connect one of the two available 8-16 ohm output 'A' from RK amp
Input 8 ohm 'A' of speaker cabinet.

Repeat the above for corresponding connection 'B'.

Use the speaker selection switch (per channel strip) to select the config per channel - A, A+B, or B.

Per the manual, never select A+B if you have two separate cabinets plugged in (occupying both 8-16 outputs from amp), as the resulting impedance is too low for sustained tube life (drives it down to 2 ohms).

Again - A+B is absolutely safe when you have a single connection to 'A', and a single connection to 'B' (as long as each connection is at 8-16 ohms).
It's when you have TWO connection each to 'A' and 'B' (via the TWO 8-16 ohm outputs per A or B) that you have a detrimental condition.

So as a final thought for you, the correct way to connect TWO RK 4x12 cabs is to use both of the 8-16 outputs per channel from the amp.
You'd connect one of the 8-16 ohm connections from channel 'A' to your top cabinet in a stack. You'd connect the second 8-16 ohm output from the amp to your lower cabinet 'A' connection.
You'd repeat for 'B' connection.
You'd set your channel strips up to be A, or B....but never A+B.

Thanks Strat for taking the time to respond, although I'm not sure I understand or whether I am reading this right.

There are a total of 6 speaker outputs on the back of my RK2 head, split into A and B sides (3 per side), one 8-16 ohm output and two 4 ohm outputs per side.

If I understand correctly I should be using both the A and B 8-16 ohm speaker outputs and connect to the two 8 ohm speaker jacks on my RK2 cab?

Thanks again.
Yes, you understand correctly.
I was incorrect about my explanation, but have now had more coffee.

You should be using the single available 8-16 ohm 'A' output from the amp, and connect this to the single 'A' input of the speaker cabinet.
You should then connect the single available 8-16 ohm 'B' output from the amp, and connect this to the single 'B' input of the speaker cabinet.

As corrected, my other statements should read...

Per the manual, never select A+B if you have two separate cabinets plugged in (occupying both 4 ohm outputs from amp), as the resulting impedance is too low for sustained tube life (drives it down to 2 ohms).

Again - A+B is absolutely safe when you have a single connection to 'A', and a single connection to 'B' (as long as each connection is at 8-16 ohms).
It's when you have TWO connection each to 'A' and 'B' (via the TWO 4 ohm outputs per A or B) that you have a detrimental condition.

So as a final thought for you, the correct way to connect TWO RK 4x12 cabs is to use both of the 4 ohm outputs per channel from the amp.
You'd connect one of the 4 ohm connections from channel 'A' of the amp to your top cabinet (in a stack) 'A' input. You'd connect the second 4 ohm 'A' output from the amp to your lower cabinet 'A' connection.
You'd repeat for 'B' connection.
You'd set your channel strips up to be A, or B....but never A+B.
