RKII Version 1 and 2!!?

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CUD, "Mind over matter." If you don't mind it doesn't matter. Obviously, some of us do.
CUD, "Mind over matter." If you don't mind it doesn't matter. Obviously, some of us do.

I'm aware of that. I just think it's ridiculous. See what I'm doing? I'm mixing my opinion with all of yours.
CudBucket said:
CUD, "Mind over matter." If you don't mind it doesn't matter. Obviously, some of us do.

I'm aware of that. I just think it's ridiculous. See what I'm doing? I'm mixing my opinion with all of yours.

Mixing your opinion with others, yes.... along with calling those that don't agree with you, "ridiculous". I think someone here needs to spend a few minutes working out some stress on the tread mill. This topic seems to have struck a nerve within you!
Seems that you're the one who might be stressed. I never called anyone ridiculous. Read slower. You'll comprehend more.

"I'm aware of that. I just think it's ridiculous. See what I'm doing? I'm mixing my opinion with all of yours."

Never called anyone ridiculous? Obviously, you are here (calling their opinions ridiculous). Those are your words and you can't recant now.

We might all think that you are an idiot too, but show a little class and keep that piece to ourselves....
smashingchicago said:

"I'm aware of that. I just think it's ridiculous. See what I'm doing? I'm mixing my opinion with all of yours."

Never called anyone ridiculous? Obviously, you are here (calling their opinions ridiculous). Those are your words and you can't recant now.

We might all think that you are an idiot too, but show a little class and keep that piece to ourselves....

I'm not "recanting" anything. I'm just telling you you're reading too much into my statement. You, however veiled you think it may be, are calling me an idiot though. So, you're just proving yourself to be a hypocrite. And who is this "we" you refer to? A little heady of yourself to think that everyone shares your opinion no? Class? You don't know the first thing about it.

Come on back now. You know you can't help it.
You, however veiled you think it may be, are calling me an idiot though.

And the lightbulb just turned on. Congratulations! This will now be an official end to my dialogue with an idiot.
^ Here is the "WE" you are looking for.

And yes, guitarmaster, you are correct, I was expecting the V2. At any rate, Mesa obviously agrees and is why they are arranging for a V2 for me.

To someone who likes to use cars as a comparison, it's like buying a brand new Mercedes SLR McLaren only to notice later that it didn't incorporate a small feature that you just happened to want (and was available in other versions). It may not be a major feature, but at that price tag, you want to get what you matters to you.

This is another horse that has been absolutely been beaten to death over and over so this will probably be my last post on this topic, unless Cud wants to stir the pot some more. ;)
guitarmaster said:
smashingchicago said:
^ Here is the "WE" you are looking for.

And yes, guitarmaster, you are correct, I was expecting the V2. At any rate, Mesa obviously agrees and is why they are arranging for a V2 for me.

To someone who likes to use cars as a comparison, it's like buying a brand new Mercedes SLR McLaren only to notice later that it didn't incorporate a small feature that you just happened to want (and was available in other versions). It may not be a major feature, but at that price tag, you want to get what you matters to you.

The cars comparison is correct, and it's exactly what I have thought about Mesa. We pay great sums of money to buy our amps, so I think that's correct to have the latest available model, I agree 100%.

im with cudbucket: how much better can a dedicated tuner out make your sound? you already have the best of the best with most likely (unlike myself as of now) brand new 12AX7's on your top of the line Mesa. Some people try to be a little too tone-pure. And you can't be. It doesn't make much of a difference.
kingster911 said:
im with cudbucket: how much better can a dedicated tuner out make your sound? you already have the best of the best with most likely (unlike myself as of now) brand new 12AX7's on your top of the line Mesa. Some people try to be a little too tone-pure. And you can't be. It doesn't make much of a difference.

Huh? The tuner out is a feature which has nothing to do with one's sound -- it's just a nice little extra on the amp. Think your barking up the wrong tree here...
smashingchicago said:
kingster911 said:
im with cudbucket: how much better can a dedicated tuner out make your sound? you already have the best of the best with most likely (unlike myself as of now) brand new 12AX7's on your top of the line Mesa. Some people try to be a little too tone-pure. And you can't be. It doesn't make much of a difference.

Huh? The tuner out is a feature which has nothing to do with one's sound -- it's just a nice little extra on the amp. Think your barking up the wrong tree here...

I thought you were done posting in this thread. In fact you said it twice but you keep coming back. Who's the idiot now?
smashingchicago said:
At any rate, Mesa obviously agrees and is why they are arranging for a V2 for me.

Sometimes it's just easier for them to deal with a pain in the *** by making them go away.

Oh and Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
Hmmm? So, CUD, how do we deal with you? :lol: And a Happy Thanksgivng to all.
So CUDBUCKETT, how should we deal wth you?

Who is we? You and smashing? I just want to know who you're speaking for. How 'bout you try this for starters: Let other people express their opinions without taking it personally and resorting to name-calling. How's that?

Let me elaborate. If I say "I think it's ridiculous that..." , that doesn't mean I'm calling anyone ridiculous. Second graders can understand this. I know because my son is one and he gets it.
I don't know about you, but I have not takng any of this personally...and meant it as a joke in response to your last comment....cause it seems you have.

And btw, you can apply whatever logic you want to what you said.....

Look at it ths way.....if I say: "He stole X," then I am in essence calling him a thief....

Same logic applies...if an action is ridiculous, then the person committing the action is ridiculous -- therefore, insulting.
I don't know about you, but I have not takng any of this personally...and meant it as a joke in response to your last comment....cause it seems you have.

That's fine. But smashingchicago is another story. He/She is the type of person who interprets things that are not in someone's statements. Then, because they feel attacked, take it further by name-calling. It's a convenient tactic on the internet when you're safe at home. Whatever. I've never had an encounter like this on this forum. So, I consider it the exception and not the norm.
Same logic applies...if an action is ridiculous, then the person committing the action is ridiculous -- therefore, insulting.

I disagree. We all do stupid things from time to time. Myself included. I however, am far from stupid. If someone said, "that thing you did or said was stupid". I wouldn't take it to mean I am. Maybe that's because I have a certain degree of confidence and self esteem. Something others may lack.

I understand your point though. I just don't agree with it.