RKII Version 1 and 2!!?

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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2006
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So I just picked up my RKII last week and noticed that it is the "version 1" model. Does anyone now if Mesa will update this to a "version 2" model? Based on their website, version 2 has added a tuner input and some other small enhancements. It just sucks that I bought this thing and it's not even the latest version!?
Was it a special order? If not, can't you just return it? I hope Mesa is not shipping out old inventory. I have one on order and I specifically stated that I wanted V2 and not V1 of the RKII.
Wow. So what? You're gonna freak out that your $2700 amp doesn't have a tuner out? I'll keep mine 'old' RKII.
CudBucket said:
Wow. So what? You're gonna freak out that your $2700 amp doesn't have a tuner out? I'll keep mine 'old' RKII.

Crudbucket -- First of all, I am not freaking out. And yes, after paying (only $2260 actually with other goodies thrown in) a decent chunk of change, it would be nice to have the latest version which does have tuner out and the mute switch on the King Kontroller....
smashingchicago said:
CudBucket said:
Wow. So what? You're gonna freak out that your $2700 amp doesn't have a tuner out? I'll keep mine 'old' RKII.

Crudbucket -- First of all, I am not freaking out. And yes, after paying (only $2260 actually with other goodies thrown in) a decent chunk of change, it would be nice to have the latest version which does have tuner out and the mute switch on the King Kontroller....

A little touchy no? Quick to start name-calling. Grow up.
guitarmaster said:
smashingchicago said:
CudBucket said:
Wow. So what? You're gonna freak out that your $2700 amp doesn't have a tuner out? I'll keep mine 'old' RKII.

Crudbucket -- First of all, I am not freaking out. And yes, after paying (only $2260 actually with other goodies thrown in) a decent chunk of change, it would be nice to have the latest version which does have tuner out and the mute switch on the King Kontroller....

I agree with you smashingchicago, it's unfair to sell a Mesa Road King Series II v1 instead of a v2, if one person pay for the latest model he MUST have the latest model also if there are not so important differences or updates between v1 and v2 (released in september).

Unfair? Mesa can change anything they want whenever they want. The RK that flashinginchicago decided to buy, didn't have the updates. So why would he expect to get them? Plus, it's a tuner out for christ's sake. Get real.
CudBucket said:
guitarmaster said:
smashingchicago said:
Crudbucket -- First of all, I am not freaking out. And yes, after paying (only $2260 actually with other goodies thrown in) a decent chunk of change, it would be nice to have the latest version which does have tuner out and the mute switch on the King Kontroller....

I agree with you smashingchicago, it's unfair to sell a Mesa Road King Series II v1 instead of a v2, if one person pay for the latest model he MUST have the latest model also if there are not so important differences or updates between v1 and v2 (released in september).

Unfair? Mesa can change anything they want whenever they want. The RK that flashinginchicago decided to buy, didn't have the updates. So why would he expect to get them? Plus, it's a tuner out for christ's sake. Get real.

Why would I expect one with updates? Well, because I just bought it. And because I called Mesa yesterday and they said I could exchange for the V2. Apparently, Mesa thought it reasonable to swap them out. You seem to be in the minority here Crud....
CudBucket said:
smashingchicago said:
CudBucket said:
Wow. So what? You're gonna freak out that your $2700 amp doesn't have a tuner out? I'll keep mine 'old' RKII.

Crudbucket -- First of all, I am not freaking out. And yes, after paying (only $2260 actually with other goodies thrown in) a decent chunk of change, it would be nice to have the latest version which does have tuner out and the mute switch on the King Kontroller....

A little touchy no? Quick to start name-calling. Grow up.

Name calling? Ahhhh. At quick glance your handle reads like Crud. Not resorting to name calling, was actually reading that as Crud.

Settle down Cud, no one is touchy or calling you names. Think of a happy place. ;)
HappySinner said:
I'm thinking that there will be some international wholesalers stuck with old stock. Might be a good time to hit 'em up for a good deal... :wink:

Yeah, unless there are those that might actually use that external trigger on the pedal. You could go with either version depending on what you want. For me, having the tuner out and being able to preserve my second FX loop was a better choice.
Just use one of the effects loops as your tuner out. I can't really see why someone would need 2 loops.
Yeah, that is the workaround I could use -- the 2nd loop. But it's nice to have a tuner out and preserve my 2nd FX loop if I needed it down the road for something else.
smashingchicago said:
CudBucket said:
Why would I expect one with updates? Well, because I just bought it. And because I called Mesa yesterday and they said I could exchange for the V2. Apparently, Mesa thought it reasonable to swap them out. You seem to be in the minority here Crud....

They're doing you a favor. You're sending back the whole amp for something most volume pedals and such will give you.
HappySinner said:
I'm thinking that there will be some international wholesalers stuck with old stock. Might be a good time to hit 'em up for a good deal... :wink:

I doubt it. Most people won't give a crap about a friggin' tuner out. Especially not in places where it's already hard to get them.
At first this modification upset me, but then I thought about it...

If I use my rack setup in Loop 1, there's a tuner in my TC Electronics effects (not to mention a DTR-1 Pro Tuner in my rack).
If I use my pedalboard setup in Loop 2, I have a tuner in a side-chain off the Boss DD-20's headphone out jack (a clever trick).
Have you ever really had trouble sound-wise running your signal through a tuner pedal like the Boss TU-2?

I like having the switch jack in my RK II v1. You can do clever stuff with it, like hook up your band's smoke/fog machine to it! Control stage effects from your guitar foot controller :).
I have a RKII v1. Honestly, I really don't care about a tuner out. There are other ways to go about having a similar set up for a tuner, but that involves more cables. I have heard of people using the slave out as a tuner out?! but that means you'll be tuning out loud.
Like Scott metioned you can do some really cool things with the external triggers. I plan on using it one of these days, I tried hooking up a drum machine once, but I didn't end up with the results I was hoping for.

Who knows maybe the RKII v1's will be worth more down the road! :D
Well I'm with "smashingchicago"

It just so happens that this update is something that to me is more desirable than an external trigger.

I would definitely be upset...you should have the option if it was a change made mid-stream or shortly thereafter (within 30 days).
...you should have the option if it was a change made mid-stream or shortly thereafter (within 30 days).

Uh, the RKII has been shipping since the summer. It's almost 6 months. I just can't imagine why someone would want to run one or maybe two more cables back to the head just for a tuner with a mute when a tuner stomp sits so conveniently in your pedalboard off of another pedals tuner out. Or, you have a tuner in a rack. I can't believe the amount of attention such an insignificant change is getting. You'd have thought they actually changed the way it SOUNDS.