RKII Sharp Cleans

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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2006
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4x6L6s Diode rectified Ch1 Fat - I play reggae a lot and downstroke and obviously get a little slap happy on my attack but I can not get a far from harsh tone out of this channel. Anyone have any pointers for me with a Les Paul? Or am I just hitting the strings too hard?!
kingster911 said:
4x6L6s Diode rectified Ch1 Fat - I play reggae a lot and downstroke and obviously get a little slap happy on my attack but I can not get a far from harsh tone out of this channel. Anyone have any pointers for me with a Les Paul? Or am I just hitting the strings too hard?!

i dont know about a les paul but for what your going after i would probably prefer the mccarty with the coils tapped and playing on the neck pup. i find the single coil sound on the mccarty is very sharp on the bridge but on the neck is just right.

also what kind of strings and picks are you using? its crazy but your pick can really alter the harshness of your tone especially with certain string gauges. also where do you have your treble and presence on the amp?
Maybe you've done this already, but sometimes I find a more useable clean tone by backing off the guitar volume a little. I never use to touch the guitar volume at all, but I've learned alot of things in the last few years that have helped me considerably.
Machine Gun said:
Maybe you've done this already, but sometimes I find a more useable clean tone by backing off the guitar volume a little. I never use to touch the guitar volume at all, but I've learned alot of things in the last few years that have helped me considerably.

Same here. I never have my Les Paul's (ar any guitar with humbuckers) volume up above 8 when I'm going for a clean sound. It sounds harsh and "pingy" otherwise.
Yeah, back off the tone knob and use your neck for cleans.

As for the amp, turn the presence down, as well as the treble and mids. You'll be fine.
These are all great suggestions. It's hard to trouble shoot a rig when you can't see it - did any of these fix your problem? When I hear harsh, I immediately think of a problem that I hear of a lot in the RK - people are using the FX loops and have the FX send cranked. Is your loop active? If not, then this is obviously not the case. But if you're using your loop, set the FX send to noon, set your master output to noon. Now you've got unity gain there. See if that fixes your problem. If it does, don't stray too far from there, and use your channel volumes to achieve even (and venue appropriate) levels.