Reverb on DC 5

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Apr 24, 2013
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Recently purchased my first Mesa Boogie. I picked up a DC-5 and spent the afternoon trying to dial in the clean channel. Having played a lot of tweed type stuff and some older Marshall's I wanted to try something different and had always loved some of the players who've used Mesa amps. I was impressed that my Tele, Strat and PRS all sounded good through the amp with a little knob twisting (once I had the clean channel dialed). That wasn't always the case with some amps I've owned in the past.

I'm really impressed with what I got out of the clean channel, it's very versatile when you throw in a distortion box. The clean channel alone makes the amp worth buying, really cleans up well with the volume knob on the guitar which for me is always a good indicator of an amps worth. Love how the note comes through even with the gain up, still keeps it's clarity. I didn't play much through the lead channel as I was discovering what I've heard people mention before in regards to Boogies (as well as read on this board) having to be tweaked, I spent quite a while just trying to get a feel for the eq on the channel as well as the five band.

My question is about the reverb, I was wondering if any of you have upgraded the reverb with a different tank? To my ears it's the only weak area of the amp. The reverb seems a little thin sounding and shallow, not a lot of decay on mine. I've got a TC Hall of Fame pedal but was curious if what the opinions of the long time Mesa owners would be regarding changing out the tank. TIA

I actually used the board to help build an opinion about the amp purchase and everyone spoke highly of it, so I appreciated having some good opinions to base a decision on.
Might be dead thread, but whatever...

I've come to the same conclusion as you regarding the reverb. I purchased a strymon Flint and no longer worry about it.

Monsta-Tone is the DC expert and he may know of something. He recommended a hotter 12ax7 in v5 to help.

I had a HOF too, but you need to try the Flint. Just amazing.
I have a DC-5a and find that using a good vintage 12at7 in the reverb slot (V5) greatly improves the sound of the reverb. It really is night and day. My favorite tube in V5 of the DC is an RCA black plate 12at7, RCA 6201 or Mullard 12at7.

Even with the tube swap the reverb isn't as strong or as detailed as the reverb on the MkIV I have, but much more springy.