Reliability/durability issue

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Well-known member
May 29, 2007
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How durable are you guys finding your mark V heads? I've had mine since june or july and its already i need of repair. The solo boost has an intermittent issue, i kick it on and it's acts like it's maxed out even if it's practically off. I can tinker with it and it works normal for a bit. The amp seems noisier than when i bought it and i had to move tubes around in the preamp due to a the amp making random noise. The switching noise is louder than it was and on channel 3 if i tap the top of the amp it's microphonic at higher volumes. I noticed it when i was plugging in and accidentally taped the front panel.
That sucks dude, sorry to hear that. There's nothing worse than having the anticipation of getting new gear and then having issues with it. I have an early head (serial number in the 200's) and it was actually customed ordered. I got it home and literally within five minutes the the power tubes lit up like a masive electrical storm. I thought no big deal, tubes go bad. Went back to the storte where I ordered it and they gave me a brand new set and off I went. Got home, plugged them in and again, within five minutes the same problems. I took it to the dealer, same store, that I ordered it from and had their Mesa tech work on it. Turns out that there was some minor damage inside which lead them to believeing that maybe it was dropped during shipment or something. Once I got it back from there it wasa good as gold. Been touring with it for three years now or around there. Sometimes things happen and sometimes there are glitches and lemons. I hope this doesn't deter you from the company or amp. They will take care of you and when it's fixed, you won't look back.