Rectoverb 50 Combo Issue

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
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Has anyone here had any issues or heard of issues with a bad run of speakers in the Rectoverbs? I had an issue a while back with my amp and had it in the shop. Everything checked out fine, but the guy who worked on the amp said that Mesa notified him that there may be some defective speakers out there, but the speaker would just cut out, then 'come back'. I was practicing tonight by myself, and the amp suddenly lost a lot of volume, then it came back about a minute later. Since my speaker wasn't totally cutting out, it wasn't replaced while in the shop. What else could cause a temporary dip in volume?
First...let me assure you that the design is not the problem, the ROV is a GREAT that I've gotten that off my chest...check your bias and make sure it's set to EL34. You may also have a cold solder issue....but definitely start with new power tubes. ALSO, if you have EL34's Mesa will likely NOT replace them for free since they're not the original tubes.

Jak0lantern01 said:
Overheating? How does it overheat, poor design? Perhaps the EL34 tubes? They do get hot.
Bias is set correctly, and the tubes were just tested when the amp was in the shop, they're not too old (4 months). I wasn't saying there was a design issue, the tech at the shop found out from Mesa that there was a bad run of speakers.
Can you get another cabinet or even another combo with a non-hardwired speaker? I experimented the other day with my Crate V32 speaker and the ROV combo. Testing another speaker should at least eliminate (or verify) the speaker concern.

And as far as this "bad run of speakers" I would call Mesa directly...I've never heard that mentioned on any forums and a google search comes up with nothing in regards to the Rectoverb or their amps having bad speakers. (not doubting the tech....just don't trust repair guys!)

Jak0lantern01 said:
Bias is set correctly, and the tubes were just tested when the amp was in the shop, they're not too old (4 months). I wasn't saying there was a design issue, the tech at the shop found out from Mesa that there was a bad run of speakers.
Not sure why he would tell me that, he said it would be covered for free replacement if it were the case.