Recto- Tracking issue when using 50 watts

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Dec 12, 2009
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Hey, I just recently purchased a roadster 2x12 combo and I was playing and tweaking, tweaking and playing and everything was sounding great, If I have any of the four channels set to 50 watts with it set to diode it works beautifully but when it's switched to recto tracking I lose all sound as if the tubes are shutting off and fading out to a dead silence. I hope it's something I'm doing wrong rather than a serious issue. When I have it set to 100 watts there is no issue diode or recto I bought on Friday so I haven't been able to call Mesa yet so I was hoping someone had an idea what's going on in this forum.... Somebody help this rectifier newb!
I'm guessing here, but it's possible that one of your two rectifier tubes has crapped out. IIRC, when you're at 50w, your Roadster is only using one of the two rectifier tubes.

You might want to try simply swapping the positions of the two recto tubes, and see if the problem goes away. If it does, then it's definitely a rectifier tube.

Good news is that if one of the two recto tubes, it's an easy fix, and again, IIRC, you should have a six-month warranty on tubes if you bought the amp new. If that's the problem, call Mesa, and they should be able to ship you a new one, free of charge.
Thanks a lot sure enough that was the problem, the tube is toast and mesa is sending me one. I just hope this isn't a sign of things to come but either way thanks for the info it's been a great help

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