Recto pre sound thin and weak

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2006
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My recto recording/2:100 sarted to sound thin with no bass since i tested the power amp without one input connected from the recto pre with a tech from ISPtechnologies. I tapped each preamp's tubes with a pen and they seems O.K. Hope i didn't damage the power shouldn't isn't?

BTW i put this post in both section(rack, tubes) since i don't know what's wrong tubes, preamp or power amp?

EDITED: power amp's output always been connected to the speakers, that's why i tend to think it's all about the preamp.

see the date...?i called several time (after each months) to italmelodie (montreal) i've been told they were waitting for pieces for the repair (under warranty)... after 3 months i came back there and tell them i wasn't satisfied and i want the recto pre back to send it directly to mesa boogie then pow! they tell me the job is done all they did is they change all tubes so they charged me the tubes. I'm going to try the preamp and what i realized? it never been repaired, i guess they never tried to fix the preamp cause they can't. All that time i was waiting after them to call me and tell me when it's done?!!?

At my first call they told me that a repair last at about 1 month because the waiting list...bla bla bla...

BTW i've been looking for a 18U rackmount case (quality)...**** those boxes are too big! I'm not sure but i think i'm gonna sale the recto pre and the 2:100 and buy a RKII to go with (downsized) a 12U or 10U rackmount case (pedals [sliding shelf], eventide stuff, switchblade GL...) instead.
that stinks man.

I noticed some less-than stellar sound listening to direct output, but connected to my 2:100, friggn' magic.

I hope all works out for you.
again with this said:
that stinks man.

I noticed some less-than stellar sound listening to direct output, but connected to my 2:100, friggn' magic.

I hope all works out for you.

And what about you have a big rig or you just put your both pieces alone in a SKB case? Maybe you posted it few months ago, sorry i don't remember.

Here's another option i keep all my things and put it in 2 X 8U SKB, it would be easy to move and i could have an high-quality rig with a thousand of possibilities for the effects. :D
I think most of the Rec Pre users, myself included, have noticed that you really do need a cab sim for direct silent recording.

My live rig cosists of a Rec Pre, a 20/20, a rotating cast of pedals., and a couple of 1x12s. It's awesome because you have true stereo out, brilliant cleans, and great gain tones. The only hitch as a live rig is that you only have 2 channels plus the Solo boost. I have a bajillion pickup options on my guitar so that takes care of me, but if your guitar is a one-trick pony you may find this limiting.
Whats a good Cab Sim to get?

I asked about the Recording Pre purely for silent recording. I've been told it exactly like a Recto+4x12. I wanted to get one purely on the recording aspect. I wouldn't even think about using it as a live thing because I already have a pretty extensive range of heads that I'm satisfied with.

Is there anyway for me to hear a few samples of direct line recording?
As with any and all Mesa's, plenty of tweaking is needed to get a killer sound.
The Rec pre has better emulated outs than any other amp/-preamp ive heard. Sure, you can use another gizmo like a speaker emulator to improve things further, but it's not a must IMO.

I have a CD full of silent Rec Pre recordings, it is the band 'guitar garden' with Pete Prown (US journalist/author/musician) on guitar. I spoke to him once about how he was using the Rec pre to record the album.

I won't upload any tracks due to copyright issues, but they should be on Pete's website.

The recording features, along with the fact that it is an exact rectifier preamp for live use, make it a pretty killer and overlooked preamp IMO. The cleans are amazing, much better than any Dual/triple ive used

Ive used it with a 2:100 and an old 50/50....unbeleiveable to say the least
Areola said:
Whats a good Cab Sim to get?

I asked about the Recording Pre purely for silent recording. I've been told it exactly like a Recto+4x12. I wanted to get one purely on the recording aspect. I wouldn't even think about using it as a live thing because I already have a pretty extensive range of heads that I'm satisfied with.

Is there anyway for me to hear a few samples of direct line recording?

Warning, 12MB wav file...

Just did these now, just used my live tone settings into the recording outputs. Sounds okay on my headphones but the second cut may be farty on monitor-grade speakers.

All cuts are Rec Pre direct into ADA MicroCab II, recorded totally dry into Audacity.

1st cut is Ch 1 Brit mode, quite clean, into "2x12 open back"
2nd and 3rd cut are Ch 2 Vintage mode into "4x12 closed back vintage"
4th cut is Ch 2 Vintage mode into "4x12 closed back"

The Rec Pre is capable of way more tones than this and these may not be your cup of tea... these are just the settings I had handy.
thanks mate.

it sounds pretty decent to me. im using a laptop so i do all my listening through headphones. it would probably suit me quite well cause it sounds better than the single SM57 close-mic recordings I've done in my bedroom. i've been told 1 track = thin and crap, 2 tracks = awesome. That's pretty much the theory I live by when micing a cab, so there will be no difference here except the recording method would be easier.
Believe it or not i just received (from mesa) the recto pre today. Since all the time i didn't have the recto pre (more than a year!) i've sold my 2:100 (for almost nothing) to finance a CAA OD100SE+. Is the problem solved? i just don't know for now. It seems the tech at the store who changed all tubes didn't have ear enough to see that the recto pre was missing balls and what mesa did? the guy changed the V2 and sent it back too me?!!? Now i don't have the 2:100 anymore, i tried it in a 2:90 and there was not much bass as i use to ear before but the gain seemed to be back to normal. I remember when i played it in a 2:50 i didn't like it cause it was too bassy. The day i picked up the preamp, i tried it in a rectifier combo's return at the store, it was too much bassy?!?? i thought i was wrong to worry about the first time i tried it in a vox return (power section sound like ****).

What a stupid story. I'm gonna try it in a 2:100 to make sure everything is o.k. and i'm gonna sale or trade it with a light head amp (recto, stiletto, F series...) for small gig... sigh!

Somebody tell me if the recto pre sound heavy with the 2:90 plze.
I had a recto pre for a few weeks, and I wound up returning it. It sounded so terrible as a direct recording device that I just couldn't keep it. Into an amp, it was insane - utterly gorgeous. But recorded direct (through it's own emulated outs, as well as through the high-end Palmer cab sim) it was complete trash. Keep in mind that I play metal, so if you want a blues tone, you might be good to go. However, the heavy stuff just wasn't working (at least for me).
rlcramer said:
I had a recto pre for a few weeks, and I wound up returning it. It sounded so terrible as a direct recording device that I just couldn't keep it. Into an amp, it was insane - utterly gorgeous. But recorded direct (through it's own emulated outs, as well as through the high-end Palmer cab sim) it was complete trash. Keep in mind that I play metal, so if you want a blues tone, you might be good to go. However, the heavy stuff just wasn't working (at least for me).

Thanks man, me too i like metal. What are you using now?
I do find mine lacks gain compared to the Roadster (but has more than my MkIII); I can make it up with hot preamp tubes but the cleans suffer. I wonder if the Rec Pre's gain stack is maybe closer to the Tremoverb or Rectoverb than the DR/TR.

What sounds awesome is my Rec Pre into the fx return of my MkIII :) Too bad if I set it up that way I am going to have a super-heavy rack...
CoG said:
I do find mine lacks gain compared to the Roadster (but has more than my MkIII); I can make it up with hot preamp tubes but the cleans suffer. I wonder if the Rec Pre's gain stack is maybe closer to the Tremoverb or Rectoverb than the DR/TR.

What sounds awesome is my Rec Pre into the fx return of my MkIII :) Too bad if I set it up that way I am going to have a super-heavy rack...

If you absolutely want to stick with rackmount let's go with the CAE SE+ preamp, you'll get endless gain and the best clean sound ever.
For me, I finally accepted the fact that the best way to record metal tones direct to hard disk is with my PodXTPro. Since it's not a tube pre, I was always trying to find a "better" option. However, when it boils down to it, I don't think there is anything better out there for recording direct metal guitars - period.

For playing live, I traded "down" to an Engl e-530 into a VHT 50/2/50 and I am in guitar Nirvana. The CAE SE+ is amazing as stated above, but way pricey. I was also on the prowl for a Bogner fish, but gave up after I found out only a few hundred were ever made. A friend of mine is lucky enough to have one, and it is seriously drool-worthy.

soundpurist said:
again with this said:
that stinks man.

I noticed some less-than stellar sound listening to direct output, but connected to my 2:100, friggn' magic.

I hope all works out for you.

And what about you have a big rig or you just put your both pieces alone in a SKB case? Maybe you posted it few months ago, sorry i don't remember.

Here's another option i keep all my things and put it in 2 X 8U SKB, it would be easy to move and i could have an high-quality rig with a thousand of possibilities for the effects. :D

I use a 6U SKB roller rack. It's very compact and conveinent.

I have the Rectos in there with the power conditioner and G major.


again with this said:
soundpurist said:
again with this said:
that stinks man.

I noticed some less-than stellar sound listening to direct output, but connected to my 2:100, friggn' magic.

I hope all works out for you.

And what about you have a big rig or you just put your both pieces alone in a SKB case? Maybe you posted it few months ago, sorry i don't remember.

Here's another option i keep all my things and put it in 2 X 8U SKB, it would be easy to move and i could have an high-quality rig with a thousand of possibilities for the effects. :D

I use a 6U SKB roller rack. It's very compact and conveinent.

I have the Rectos in there with the power conditioner and G major.



Thanks man but i've already sold my 2:100 for finance a CAA OD100SE+, the leads sing on this beast! I received my recto pre not longtime ago from mesa and they just changed the V2!!! i'm trying to find someone around montreal to try my recto pre in a 2:100 just to make sure it's OK before to sell it. Fucked up situation... but what do you want I'm starting to be used to. :lol: :(
Ok everybody I guess false alarm for the recto pre. I tried it today and it sound like a ton of brick! Don't understand why some people find it lack of low end, there's more than enough of low end with the 20/20. If nobody want to trade a 50 watts rectifier with it I think I'm gonna buy a 20/20 used and I'm gonna put both in a small rackmount case. But for the transportability it's better a rectifier head (50 watts are very light!).
Hey soundpurist-- I actually just sold my 20/20. I tried using it with the Rec Pre for about a year. It was great for everything except low end and higher volume. The 20/20 is plenty loud, but it lacks headroom no matter what tubes you put in it. The cleans are absolutely amazing and it's great for soloing, but metal rhythm sounds weak even with an EQ pedal once you get up to drummer volume-- how loud did you try it?

It *might* work for you... if you can buy one used, cool, but definitely try it w/ a drummer as soon as you can so you know if it will work at the volumes you need it to!

I'm running my Rec Pre through my Mk III power section now for some jams... I am not sure if I will gig like that because when I rack the Rec Pre, the MkIII, and the power conditioner it's a 100-pound rack.
CoG said:
Hey soundpurist-- I actually just sold my 20/20. I tried using it with the Rec Pre for about a year. It was great for everything except low end and higher volume. The 20/20 is plenty loud, but it lacks headroom no matter what tubes you put in it. The cleans are absolutely amazing and it's great for soloing, but metal rhythm sounds weak even with an EQ pedal once you get up to drummer volume-- how loud did you try it?

It *might* work for you... if you can buy one used, cool, but definitely try it w/ a drummer as soon as you can so you know if it will work at the volumes you need it to!

I'm running my Rec Pre through my Mk III power section now for some jams... I am not sure if I will gig like that because when I rack the Rec Pre, the MkIII, and the power conditioner it's a 100-pound rack.

For the headroom I would absolutely agree, I feel that when you increase the volume there's a point that is going up almost at 100% of its capacity.
I remember when I compared the 20:20 to the 2:100... I know the 2:100 gives a lot more of low end. I guess it's all about the tranny. I guess it's better to go for a 50w head with a 2X12 along with an ISP subwoofer. Thanks for the response.

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