Recto and Greenbacks ?

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2011
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Hello, new Single Rec owner here. I've been getting great results the V30's in my Stiletto 4x12 and Randall 2x12 loaded with WGS Retro 30's. But I have some Greenbacks laying around that I've been thinking of trying in the 2x12. I'm wondering if anyone has tried these with Recto's? I guess my concern is the big bottom end of the Recto being too much for the GB's. But I think the overall sound would be great otherwise if that aspect is kept in check.
Any thoughts?
You are right in thinking the lows can get to be a bit much for the GB's. At band volume they get a little flubby and muddy.

What I most liked with greenbacks were the clean tones. SO warm and full. If you have some lying around, I would try an x-pattern in combination with V30's.
Greenbacks and v30s in an X pattern sound great if you like to get more cone crunch. With a 50watt head, you'd want to run the greenies in a 4 x 12 so that they can handle the power. You will have to dial back the bass a bit...
Right now my 2x12 is 150 watts, so it's great to use by itself. But I also pair it with my 4x12 for a wider spread. If I were to put GB's in the 2x12 it would mainly to be used with the 4x12. I might just break out the drill and give it a shot.
Run two cabs, one with V30s and another with Greenbacks. As for me, I prefer the G12H30 speakers over the Greenbacks...
I guess I should have searched this topic first on this forum because there seems to have been a lot talk about this subject in the past :oops:

So the update is that I installed two of my GB's into my over sized Randall 2x12. That cab seems to make every speaker I put in it sound great. The GB's are no exception. Thick, syrupy and full of crunchy mids.
The cab by itself with my Recto sounds fine, a little buzzy in the highs and not as loud or efficient as the previous speakers, but when paired with my Stiletto 4x12 the result is great. Wide, warm and packs a wallop. Great low end which doesn't get out of hand because the V30's are handling their share of bass. A really nice addition to the Recto's smooth, thick gain.

I guess my main priority with this was about creating a more complex, multifaceted tone. Blending the V30's and GB's with the awesome Recto gain paid dividends in that respect. The result is a more 3D and rich sounding gain that really inspires.