Rectifier Recording Pre Amp Effects Loop Question

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Jun 6, 2007
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I've ordered my Recto Recording Pre Amp and was poking around the forum when I ran across some older effect loop threads that clearly state the combing effect problems with parallel effect loops vs series, specifically with the Boss GT-8. I intend to use the recto with my GT-8 using the 4 cable method so I'm wondering what my options are? Seeing as the amp is easily 5 weeks away from being completed can I have Mesa do a mod? Is this something that Mesa has recently addressed? If a mod is needed is it easy enough that I can do it myself? Etc. I was thinking about getting a G-Major and again the same issue pops up. They've apparently added a "kill dry signal" update to fix it. This brings me to my next question. When is there an advantage of a parallel loop over a series? Thanks in advance. :?: :?: :?
Advantage of a parallel loop is when you're worried about your core tone getting sucked by the effect. However, fx in a parallel loop will always be more "subtle" than fx in serial.

I have had no luck with the fx loop of my RP for anything except delay.

4-cable method should work-- basically you are using the preamp section of the RP as a boost/OD/dist stomp box.

You might want to try this instead:

Guitar => GT-8 IN
REC PRE RECORD OUT (stereo) => GT-8 FX RETURN (probably stereo?)
GT-8 OUT => power amp, DI, whatever

If you have a stereo output option you could also run one side of the Rec Pre "direct" and the other side back to the GT-8 in mono, thereby creating a parallel fx loop for yourself. Obviously, some mixing will need to be done at the end...

My thinking is that the Rec Pre's power stage tends to maul chorus and reverb pretty badly, and this limits the utility of the RP's fx loop.