Rect-O-Verb, Casters...what's the deal???

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Dec 22, 2005
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I Bought a Rect-o-Verb 1X12 around Christmas. For an amp that only has a single 12" speaker it's "BIG". The housing for the amp is the size of a Fender twin Reverb.

I was blown away that casters do not come with this amp. Also after spending like $1,600.00 (Tax) I had to spend another $70.00 to get those detachable wheels from Boogie.

I think It's a crime that this heavy amp doesn't come stock with wheel!!!
I also hated that incredible weight of the rectoverb. Man, just getting that up or downstairs had me screaming for air and a beer. It is also very bulky and the fact that I'm not really big, made it really uneasy to handle.

So I made a head and a speakercab out of my combo. Here is the result. Now the combo is still of the same bulky size, but with the amp removed, it is much better to handle. The same for the head ofcourse.

But still ridicoulus that it doesn't come with casters indeed.
tools ??
Muhaha My tools: rusty saw, one worn out file, one dull chisel, fucked up screwdrivers, no miller cutter, no fancy drilling machines (though I do used an electric drilling machine, but it has its limitations) etc.

I also don't have a workbench or something, I made something from bricks or beer crates =). Mostly I worked at the end of the hall/corridor/doorway of my home.

So let no tools be no excuse ! And for woodskills? Really, if you think through and persist nothing can't go wrong !
This was done in the free time I could put up in one month, so it's not even that hard work.

But I do wish that I had better tools. When I see what other people have: a total workplace, with all the tools...****!

Oh, another thing, with the amp removed from the housing, the volume of the speakercab becomes bigger, sounds better too ! =)
Try lugging around a Road King!! I got mine used, and it came with casters but I don't know if they come stock that way.

I think it's 120 pounds!! It pretty much rolls everywhere :D
Never will I use a combo of a tube amp, well at least not a mesa. Those things are too heavy. I would presumably also mod a road king combo to a head version.

I really wish I could afford a road king though...
Getting an 75 pounds amp, or 70 in the rectoverb case over a small staircase to the third floor and back, thus casters are useless, is not the fun I had in mind with the rectoverb.
The price we pay for tone....

The rest of the world is getting more advanced every day and computers are getting faster and smaller all the time.. Heck, I can put 5 full length movies on my cell phone, check my email, and download music to my all to my hand held phone. Stereos are smaller and more powerful than 10 years ago, cars are faster, more powerful but still more economical than ever, the internet is getting faster all the time.

........................... Then there's the guitar player!!!

We are still using 90 year old technology and have amps that weigh 120 pounds. Sure we could go with a POD or other Line 6 amp and jump on the technology bandwagon, but would we be happy? No, we're on the Boogie board for a reason, because we love and know what good tone is. I came to this conclusion when I heard the Boogie comobs and knew I was about to embark on a constant struggle to load my car and carry my amp, but to me it's all worth it. I may change in a few years (I'm 33 now) but I'm gonna have what I want, even if it's a 120 pound amp, and enjoy it!

Stupid guitar players!!! :D :D :D :D
hmm funny you mention that. today on a (dutch) guitar board, there was a disccusion that 18watt amplifiers are going or are already hot nowadays.
A smaller, thus less weight amplifier, around 15-20 watts, known examples are marshall 18 watt, but bogner is also releasing a low watt amp. Didn't mesa had a 22. or something ?

The advantages are that they drive quickly in saturation, well at least faster at room volumes, but 18 watt can still go loud, also the can be quite simple amps. They are also a lot lighter, due to smaller transformers and can be simpler and compacter.

What do you guys think ?
Will low watt amplifiers be hot this year?

I am planning to build one with one of the many kits that are available

PS it is indeed funny that everything is scaling in mirco or even nano technologies, but guitar technology is still build around tubes.
I picked up a 30 watt 1x12 Crate Palomino from GC (class A) weighing only 44 lbs. I know it's not a Mesa but man, for less than $600 the thing has some sweet tones and a really nice gain channel...PLUS it feels like a feather compared to my ROV combo. (which I love and step back 8) )

chennie said:
hmm funny you mention that. today on a (dutch) guitar board, there was a disccusion that 18watt amplifiers are going or are already hot nowadays.
A smaller, thus less weight amplifier, around 15-20 watts, known examples are marshall 18 watt, but bogner is also releasing a low watt amp. Didn't mesa had a 22. or something ?

The advantages are that they drive quickly in saturation, well at least faster at room volumes, but 18 watt can still go loud, also the can be quite simple amps. They are also a lot lighter, due to smaller transformers and can be simpler and compacter.

What do you guys think ?
Will low watt amplifiers be hot this year?

I am planning to build one with one of the many kits that are available

PS it is indeed funny that everything is scaling in mirco or even nano technologies, but guitar technology is still build around tubes.