Recitifier Recording Preamp settings

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Nov 4, 2006
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Hi guys,

it would be nice if you would share your favourite settings on your recto recording pre.

pop said:
Hi guys,

it would be nice if you would share your favourite settings on your recto recording pre.


Check my first quote at the end. Depend on your pickups. That time i was setting it with EMG81 but with my new Bill Lawrence 500XL i increase the presence at 12o'clock to obtain the same bass amount with the punch of bill lawrence pickups without any harshness?!?! Even tough if i tought during one second to ditch all my EMG for Bill Lawrence pups the 81 with 85 have something that i cannot see on any other pups. The 500XL should sound great with a Q-filter (to reduce the inductance for more upper harmonics or brightness....that way you got too much versatility.


Bill lawrence pups over view:
I'd be interested in this post developing as I'll be getting mine in a few weeks. I'm soooooo excited!! :D
These days i'm into very heavy music...Setting for emg81...

Dirty channel modern and solo(vintage):

Gain: a little under 3 O'clock, treble little less than noon, mid 12:30, bass 10 o'clock, presence 11o'clock, master 9:30 , output volume 9:30 and solo at 10 o'clock.

No compromise of presence for the vintage mode (with enough gain for solo), very agressive and very consistant sound for very heavy music :twisted: .
My main tone I'll be dialing up will be a heavy tone for live use so thanks a heap soundpurist. I'll def give these settings a try and post some of my own once I have my new rec pre in my hands. 16th of December. The wait is killing me!
Mine's in for repair already. I'll be sure to post some settings once my rig has settled down :?