Rc booster/clean boost

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Apr 1, 2010
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Just wondering if you guys have tried the xotic RC booster with your mark v as a clean boost for solos either in front of the amp or in the effects loop..
Personally, I just use the built in Solo Boost set to taste....or the GEQ.....or both when I need a boost in any of the channels. One of the best features of the V is that I don't feel the need to use any pedals...yes, even delay. Honestly, I am happy plugging my guitar directly into the amp and play with my heart. I find it easy to do with this amp! :D
jbm1122 said:
Just wondering if you guys have tried the xotic RC booster with your mark v as a clean boost for solos either in front of the amp or in the effects loop..

I've never tried this particular pedal but I used to use a TS9 or
an EQ to boost....not anymore. I find rolling off the volume a bit
and bringing it back up too overdrive works in place of the TS9.
The built-in solo boost and EQ replaced my EQ pedal for the same.
The Solo button is great. I've used a bb preamp and it works decent for a boost, but that's more of a gain box.
I just use a boss compresser...up the level...set the comp to 12:00 tone to taste and attack at 3:00 I run it in front of the amp...makes all the channels sing.and keeps it CLEAN....