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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2006
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the more I read about the Racktifiers, the more I am interested. I would buy it just for high gain and use another amp for cleans and mid gain. I used to own a 3 channel dual rec. How does the Racktifier compare? Does anyone know how many rack spaces it takes up?
I currently own a Triaxis and am not sure if I really like it or not.
From what I understand, you get the same amp in the same revision of 2 channel Rec. For example, a Rev G Racktifier has the same components as a Rev G Dual Rec Head. Granted some say the Racktifiers sound tighter or whatever but I am sure that in relation to a Dual Rec of the same circuit revision it is the same. If it is a Rev F or a Rev G then certainly it would sound better than a 3 channel Dual Rec because 2 ch versions if the Dual Rec just sound better in general. In fact, 2 ch Dual Recs just plain make the 3 ch look silly. I don't think they had a Rev C or D Racktifier but if they did it would be the same as the head that matched the circuit revision. I can't see why a Racktifier would sound any different than a regular head. If the components are the same then it comes down to the old addage that some amps just sound better than others even if identical. I used to want a Racktifier pretty bad but I am happy with a standard head enclosure. Should I happen across a Racktifier that I want to buy I might just to have one but it isn't something I am GAS-ing for anymore. I would rather have a Rev C, D, and F first. I already have a G. From what I have seen, it appears that they take up 4 spaces.
I have never heard of rev F ,G, etc... what does that mean and how do you know which one you have?
Also, does the single rec sound better than the dual. I have read that they don't have the buzz and fizz of the dual rec, but just as much punch. Do you know anything about these?
Dual Rec's went through revisions until sometime in about '94 when they finished the 2 ch. revisions at G. Read the lineage thread by elpelotero and similar threads. The Dual Rec started its life as revision C as far as we know. Noone has ever seen an A or B thus far here. To check your Revision you look at the circuit board near the big battery sized blue caps. It says the Revision number printed on the PCB. The Single Rec is a 50 watter based loosely upon the Dual Rec. It doesn't have tube rectification and is also missing some other goodies. If you want a stripped down Dual Rec with less power then I suppose you might like it. Any Rectifier amp will have buzz and fizz. It is up to you to dial it in correctly for your needs. I can guarantee you that the Dual Rec will have more punch though. My best advice to you is to read all the threads you can about the singles and the duals and then get out and play them. The latter being the key. Though the single has less going for it, you might not need all the dual can do. There again, you might like the advantages of the dual.

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