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Heritage Softail said:guitarrhinoceros said:Heritage Softail said:If Mesa thought there was even the most remote chance to market the RA as kinda like a MKIIC, I highly doubt their spin doctors would skip that.
They claim the MKV is dead on the IIC and it is not, and they claim the IIC owners are overpaying tone snobs.
Does that really sound like the kinda guys that would come out with a great amp on it's own, that also nails the MKIIC?
I have played a few of the Atlantic family of amps, great amps btw. I own a MKIIC. They seem a bit different, probably complementary.
With respect, I don't think your logic is that feasible. The MKV came out three years before the RA, and since Mesa was on record as touting the MKV as possessing the MKIIC sound -- then I'm not at all surprised that Mesa's so-called "spin doctors" aren't stating that their newer offering, the RA-100, is capable of such sounds. It would be bad marketing and would promote more confusion than excitement. They know the MKV is selling like hotcakes. Why would they do anything to jeopardize that?
I can see your point. But consider that Mesa has no problem marketing a mode on multiple amps. A few stabs at Brit type, tweed, replicating the Lonestar on the Road King.
The MKV is good but it is the only choice. The RA and Dyne are great. In the end, if people buy Mesa, whichever one, Mesa wins. They do seem to be trying really hard to find another niche aside of the Mark or Recto lines.
I have heard some good Stilletto tones but that amp gets almost no love...
I may be somewhat prejudiced since I am in the process of selling my MKV to a jamming partner that has had it on loan for months.
Good counter arguments. Your points definitely hold up well. Either way, as a current MKIIC owner your views hold more weight than some of the views expressed here. Mine included.