Quietest Boogie?

The Boogie Board

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I wish they still made the Sholtz "Rockman" headphone amp. It was a little battery powered "thingy" that would let you hear yourself fairly loud, but nobody else could hear. But it hasn't been marketed for years. So, here are some suggestions. First, some Mesa amps have an "overall master" volume control. After you have set all channels where you want them, you can turn them all down equally with this knob. With it, you can get down to bedroom volume. You will lose some sound quality, but it will still sound good for practice. Second, some Mesa amps have a "recording output" into which you can plug a 1/4" stereo jack from headphones. However, without doing more, the volume may be too high for headphones. So you might need to buy headphones with a volume control built in, or search for (or build) a device with a volume pot that connects between this jack and the headphones.
Look for a DC-2 or Dc-3. They both have headphone jacks.

Boogie tone (well mostly) and late night practicing.
I am clearly in the overwhelming minority here, but I still think the boogies sound better at bedroom volume then any modeller or small amp you are gonna find.

I can dial in my roadking on vintage to sound great at bedroom volumes. Modern, no, it sounds like fizz. Modern needs to be cranked. But vintage I can get to sound killer.

Mark IV also sounds great at bedroom levels even on Simulclass.

Do they sound as good as they do cranked? No.

But they still sound better then any small solid state modeler or tube amp i have played.

The Mark IV with the Silent recording also kicks. Run the silent recording into a reverb unit and it sounds great through headphones. It won't replace a miced cab any time soon, but to me it sounds better then a pod with headphones.