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Well-known member
Aug 15, 2006
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Toronto Canada
Does anyone have any ideas how to setup a Studio pre , g major and a mk IV so that I can access the either preamp/amp and use the g major?

example.. G major > Studio pre > Mark IV, but with this setup I can only use the G major when the studio pre is on, does anyone have any ideas of how i would be able to play through the mark IV and be abel to use the G major and still be able to choose between the studio pre ( with or without the gmajor on ) with NO A/B box. If it's possible.
ummmm excuse me for my question but are you joking???? :lol:
so, you have a mark 4 and you want to combi it with a g major and studio pre????
I think that it would be answer the question but I think that I will say you my best answer that could get in your live :D
Sell your g major and studio, go for the best electric guitar you could pay and enjoy with the guitar and the mark 4 you don´t really anything else, just the guitar directly straight on to the amp, you have one of the best amps that it was made in the last century.
You'd need to use some sort of loop selector like the Axess GRX-4 to choose between the Studio Pre and the Mark IV pre in 2 separate loops, the G-Major in a third loop so you don't get bypass tone suck, and output to the Mark IV power amp in/fx loop return.

It's a hell of a lot easier and cheaper to use just the Mark IV with just the G-Major. I've thought about doing this before, and unless you are making a balls-out rack system, it's not worth the little benefit of one more good channel.
fatboy135 said:
ummmm excuse me for my question but are you joking???? :lol:
so, you have a mark 4 and you want to combi it with a g major and studio pre????
I think that it would be answer the question but I think that I will say you my best answer that could get in your live :D
Sell your g major and studio, go for the best electric guitar you could pay and enjoy with the guitar and the mark 4 you don´t really anything else, just the guitar directly straight on to the amp, you have one of the best amps that it was made in the last century.

Thanks, but as many people know the Mark IV has 3 different channels. Not that I'm complaining, I would like to get an extra heavy sounding rhythm channel. I've been told to make a rhythm and a lead tone with the EQ being on or off. I have a chance to get a studio pre at a pretty cheap price and the g major is a pretty damn good rack unit!
nocluejimbo said:
You'd need to use some sort of loop selector like the Axess GRX-4 to choose between the Studio Pre and the Mark IV pre in 2 separate loops, the G-Major in a third loop so you don't get bypass tone suck, and output to the Mark IV power amp in/fx loop return.

It's a hell of a lot easier and cheaper to use just the Mark IV with just the G-Major. I've thought about doing this before, and unless you are making a balls-out rack system, it's not worth the little benefit of one more good channel.

Thanks! I think in the near future i will be making my rack of doom. If it's the only way to properly do it, then by all means. I was suspose to get a mark IIC+ but that didn't work out, so now i'd like to go back to rack setup. But i've been looking for stuff, and i igured i'd get a pedal like this http://lehle.com/frameset.php?country=us&lang=en&A_Link=products , but get one that's programmable, so everything can be midi switchable. Sometimes with the G major I will use it barely, or i'll use it alot , effects wise, sometimes the song i'm playing has this HUGE effects thing, and that's the only time i'll use it, never for the subtle effects and i dont' want to sell it either, it's a really good rack unit, but it's not as trasnaparent as they say, it is a tone sucker, but it's still worthy to keep, all those neat delays and pitch things. But I will be returning to the rack setup, maybe what I'll do is, get a rack case for a head and have 8U of rack space and it'll have drawes on the side to fill in the empty space .
ok in my point of view under working with guitar amps and fx units i only could say you that try to avoid digital fx, i know that they are pretty cool and they sounds amazing opening you new frontiers, but believe me that fx units only muds your tone.
If you want an extra channel go for a ts9, use it with another pedals and the grx4.
I don´t want to offuscate you into a g major matter, but it is known that g major converters aren´t enough good for some applications, for example if you have an ada mp1 ok get a g major but if you have a mark 4 please try to get the sounds from it and next try with analog pedals, and last step get a g force, but never a gmajor.
I know that bugdets are so closed and you couldn´t buy a gforce but please don´t get the all in one multifx for 300 dollars, just buy real analog pedals.
When I was young I think exactly the same than you, as the years go by I notice that digital fx was so sinthetic, adc/dac converters and sometimes not improvement algorhythms makes to me returns to analog domain, yesterday I sold my rocktron intellifex, now I´m getting some pedals, no more digital signals on my audio path
fatboy135 said:
about your original question, i also thinks that axess has your solution

Yeah, I totally agree with you, I know that the G major isn't the BEST effects unit, and i know it kills my tone becuase I can hear it when I turn the Loop on. BUT I use it sometimes. and I always have huge algortithms going on, so the tone doesnt' even sound the same whether it's analogue or digital.I'm talking about adding octaves, phasers, chorus , tons of delay. ( although what i described doens't sound so drastic but it is, and with any effects processor, with that many effects, you're not even hearing your natural tone. Anyways thanks
if you really like digital fx try to minimize they worst issues getting an axess and bypassing the fx unit with true relays, it is a pity that using the mark with a gmajor, if you have the chance replace the gmajor with an intellifex, it is so far better
Nick_cor said:
Does anyone have any ideas how to setup a Studio pre , g major and a mk IV so that I can access the either preamp/amp and use the g major?

example.. G major > Studio pre > Mark IV, but with this setup I can only use the G major when the studio pre is on, does anyone have any ideas of how i would be able to play through the mark IV and be abel to use the G major and still be able to choose between the studio pre ( with or without the gmajor on ) with NO A/B box. If it's possible.

Jimbo is right on the money. Assuming you will be using the IV's power section with the Studio, you would also need to be able to switch the IV's loop on/off. That way with it off, you have just the IV. With it on, it bypasses the IV's preamp section and the Studio is being used.

That's kinda what I'm doing with my stuff:


So you can have the preamp going into the head, or just the head itself. But eventually I will get a dedicated poweramp for the rack and the switching will be a bit easier.

Actually now that I think of it, if you can footswitch the IV's loop on/off, you can just stick the studio in the fx return and use a normal footswitch to turn the loop on/off. But if you want control of the gmajor, then yeah you gotta go midi.

4nkam said:
Jimbo is right on the money. Assuming you will be using the IV's power section with the Studio, you would also need to be able to switch the IV's loop on/off. That way with it off, you have just the IV. With it on, it bypasses the IV's preamp section and the Studio is being used.


Thanks, I guess if i'm going to get the studio I'm going to go back to serious rack setup, get a cool rack case for the head, 10 U and a space for a 2 heads, just incase for the future
I'll probably end up getting a power amp in the future instead of using the mark IVs power section and with the addition amp head space i'll put a cupboard in there. almost like the john petrucci rig, except i'll have 2 head spaces. Now i just need start saving