Questions on the mark III and its stripes

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Slanderous666 said:
steve_k said:
I recently got my hands on a Mark III Red Stripe. Tell you what.....I own 2 Diezels, a Bogner, an Elmwood, a Mark V and several others, but when I plugged the III for the first time and got it dialed in, I was in awe. The MIII is very 3D sounding to me with a lot of depth and character not found in other amps I own or have played. I am not sure if it is the simulclass or or what, but it sounds like a border line stereo rig. The gain/crunch out of this little 28 year old piece of history is unreal. I think I am not in the market for a Green stripe head.

Yep, old Mesa's and me get on very well.....


Really you have a mark V and the mark III surprised you ?:O I wasn't expecting to hear that to tell you the truth.

Just out of curiosity has anyone had any reliability issues with their mark III's and would the boogie shop be able to service mine if I got a used one and it had a problem a couple months later?

Talk to Mike Bendinelli at Mesa Engineering. He will go over it and bring it back to specs .
I had a red stripe III before I grabbed the IVa that I currently have and I absolutely loved it. I ran a clean boost in front of it as well and an MXR 10 band EQ in the loop (I use these with my IV too).
the Redstripes are a balls to the wall kick ass amp. The only and I mean the only reason I sold mine to grab this IV is that this particular IV , for some particular reason sounded very close to my III. I liked the more usable R1/R2 and the better pedal swtiching and I got if for a great price, otherwise I would've just hung on to my III
A red stripe boosted thru a Recto cab can sound thrunderous :D
gts said:
go here read COG's post ;-)
(3rd or 4th one down)

Hey thanks, I had been talking to cog but never saw this, great info :D
I was looking around youtube for some mark III clips and I found this one of a mark III doing metal and I was wondering how accuratye soem of you mark III owners though that tone in this vid was for an amp to guitar metal tone.


same question about the amps tone in this vid at about 3:51 in the vid.
Tonight I just unpacked my new (old) Mark III and all I can say is WOW. I have had just about every amp out there and a brand new Bogner, and this amp's lead tone kicks some serious be-hind.

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