question (possibly off topic) about guitar tone (floyd/stone

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New member
Jul 31, 2006
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Costa Mesa, ca

I am wondering about that "sparkling" rhythm guitar sound that Pink Floyd has on Dark Side of the Moon. Also you can hear it a lot on Some Girls by the Rolling Stones. Is that the result of an specific effect, amplifier, or guitar/amp combo?

Anyway thanks if you know and could answer.

For what it's worth I have a Mark I that I bought at the Hollywood Mesa Boogie store in the mid nineties. The salesman kept trying to get me to buy a new one but the used one sounded the best. They said it was previously owned by the guitarist for the group called America. All of the labeling for the knobs on the back is done with a cheap label maker.

I might be buried with this amplifier that's how much I like it. So I can appreciate how you guys have a whole site dedicated to Mesa/Boogie.

The trick to getting that cool Gilmour sound is relatively simple if you have the right gear. You should be able to get it pretty close with a MkI.

For starters you really need to playing a strat through a relatively clean tube amp. Add to that a lot of compression, and maybe a vintage phaser and you'll be in the ball park. I use a strat into a MXR Dynacomp into a MXR Phase 90 into my Boogie (DC-3 or F-50) in the clean channel and I get a very colse approximation of the Pink Floyd guitar sound.

I set the dynacomp on maximum compression and the output set to maybe 2 or 3 o'clock, and I set the phase 90 at about 9 o'clock. If you have compression and phase pedals give that a try. I also use digital reverb and delay to fill it out, but you could probably get away with just reverb.