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Active member
Aug 30, 2006
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Hi guys. Recently bought a Quad pre with MIDI and am having trouble getting it to actually work!

The manual only talks about using the tip/ring sockets with an older type midi/relay type switcher but I want to use the MIDI in on the pre ( I understand thats rare to have?) with a generic floor board but it doesnt work.

Does anybody know if they are running on omni mode or chl 1 or something or is a physical connection internally faulty?

BTW - LOVE the tones with my 20/20 and 2 Mesa cabs, awesome!

Cheers :D
I remember asking Mesa about getting the MIDI option installed on my Quad, and their advice was not to, since it was really primitive and really expensive--their suggestion was use an Abacus or a MIDI Octopus or something similar. I don't remember the specifics, but it was something like PC 1 was R1, PC2 was L1, PC 3 was R2. I'm not sure you could even switch the EQ in and out. There was no program mapping, no CC messages--really basic stuff.
thanks for the reply. Its not thats I want to install the midi option, its that I ALREADY have MIDI built into this thing but its not responding. I was hoping to use it as I wouldnt bother with an octopus or something similar seeing its such an old method.
