Quad channel 1 treble shift

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Ayin 0

Active member
Dec 14, 2007
Reaction score

I thought the treble shift on ch1 was supposed to only affect the lead mode? When I pull it, I do hear it in rhythm mode as well, and it doesn't sound good; lead does sound better with the TS pulled.
Do you think a mod has been done to my unit, or maybe it's an older version, or other ideas?


Ayin 0 said:

I thought the treble shift on ch1 was supposed to only affect the lead mode? When I pull it, I do hear it in rhythm mode as well, and it doesn't sound good; lead does sound better with the TS pulled.
Do you think a mod has been done to my unit, or maybe it's an older version, or other ideas?



Yeah the treble shift affects both modes, at least mine does.
Rock on
Hmmm that is strange. My Quad does it too, but it shouldn't.

"TREBLE SHIFT: ....The Treble shift is voiced and applied differently in each channel. Channel 1 Treble Shift is voiced, just like the Mark II, adding sustain and gain to Lead 1 only. This function is bypassed when Rhythm 1 is chosen, as it tends to add "harsh" frequencies undesirable in clean sounds...."

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