Quad + 50/50

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Feb 8, 2007
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Hello everyone I'm hopefully soon a mesa/boogie user since i've been bidding on a quad and a 50/50 power amp. I was wondering if anyone here has a similar setup and if so, what speakers och effects are you using? Do anyone have clip from Quad + 50/50? And how is the reverb on the Quad preamp?
hello, I have the quad with the 2:90 that is very similar to the new 50/50 and i'm very happy for the sound quality and versatility...I've tried a lot of speaker configuration: 4x12,2x12 and 1x12 with V30,greenback and g75 but with two mesa 1x12 Electrovoice I have found the top...for any stile!
I also use a Lexicon MPX G2 for the effect!
the Quad's reverb is very nice and musical....but Lexicon 8) !

Hi thank you for the reply. Right now I use a cheap 4x12 but I will upgrade as soon as I get some more cash. Intresting thing the lexicon, I will surely check it out. Any other things you would recommend in the rack?
Stockman said:
Hi thank you for the reply. Right now I use a cheap 4x12 but I will upgrade as soon as I get some more cash. Intresting thing the lexicon, I will surely check it out. Any other things you would recommend in the rack?
...absolutly a voltage regulator...with this tool I am able to hear the real sound of my gear in any situation...the quad is very sensible at the irregular tension...scuse me for the terms but I'm italian... :D !
pigno said:
Stockman said:
Hi thank you for the reply. Right now I use a cheap 4x12 but I will upgrade as soon as I get some more cash. Intresting thing the lexicon, I will surely check it out. Any other things you would recommend in the rack?
...absolutly a voltage regulator...with this tool I am able to hear the real sound of my gear in any situation...the quad is very sensible at the irregular tension...scuse me for the terms but I'm italian... :D !

No problem, Im a swede so my english isn't perfect either :) A voltage regulator? What is that, is that one of those things you put in the rack? Whats the price and what brand is recommended? Thank you for answering my questions!
yes, it's 1 unit rack and it regutate the voltage of the line...if the voltage isn't costant, it regulate the voltage for the right, costant value!
I 'have buy the Proel ST 1500:


It'has 1000 watt of output that are necessary for my rack, but for you the ST 1000 is sufficient!
I 've pay it 360 euro... :shock: ...much expensive, but it's a good tool!

pigno said:
yes, it's 1 unit rack and it regutate the voltage of the line...if the voltage isn't costant, it regulate the voltage for the right, costant value!
I 'have buy the Proel ST 1500:


It'has 1000 watt of output that are necessary for my rack, but for you the ST 1000 is sufficient!
I 've pay it 360 euro... :shock: ...much expensive, but it's a good tool!

hey pigno, credi che il tuo suono migliori con il regolatore di tensione oltre che a mantere le prestazioni del tuo rack costanti? Ho letto da qualche parte che pulisce anche molto rumore presente nell'alimentazione AC...

hey pigno, do you believe your tone is better with that voltage regulator, other than maintaining your rack's performance constant? I've read somewhere it cleans up a lot of noise in AC supply voltage...
...il suono è migliorato parecchio in armoniche,presenza e dinamica...ma soprattutto ora le prestazioni sia in termini di volume che di tono sono costanti!

...the sound is really improved now in presence,harmonics and dynamic...especially the performances in terms of volume and tone are costant!
oltre che per un rack, lo consiglieresti anche per un normale ampli?

would you use that voltage regulator also with a normal amp other than with a rack?
sinceramente si, solo che senza flightcase è un pò scomodo, ma la soddisfazione di sentire il tuo gear che funziona sempre uguale è tanta...puoi sempre vedere il valore della corrente in entrata che viene reso costante e ti salva tutti i componenti, in particolare le valvole,dagli sbalzi e dalle eventuali interruzioni...è stato il miglior acquisto "non suonante"!

yes, but it's umconfortable without the flightcase!with some leds you can see the input level of the tension and all the component ,valves in particular, are protected from accidental tension jump or interruption!
You don't necessary have to buy a rack voltage regulator but you could save some money and get an Uniterruptable Power Supply (aka UPS) and these run around $100- $150 USD. Some of these will regulate the voltage so the output is very consistent. The only difference are these are not rackmountable but will provide the same thing as the rack mount stuff.

Personally, I have never used one for my home electronic equipment but at work they are used on all of the networking equipment. It is said to have a great affect on tone (especially if you have very bad electrical power in your home) because it keeps the voltage consistent.

It is not necessary but sure can't hurt especially if there is a power surge or a severe drop in voltage (brown out) your equipment will be protected.

Good luck.
disassembled said:
You don't necessary have to buy a rack voltage regulator but you could save some money and get an Uniterruptable Power Supply (aka UPS) and these run around $100- $150 USD. Some of these will regulate the voltage so the output is very consistent. The only difference are these are not rackmountable but will provide the same thing as the rack mount stuff.

Personally, I have never used one for my home electronic equipment but at work they are used on all of the networking equipment. It is said to have a great affect on tone (especially if you have very bad electrical power in your home) because it keeps the voltage consistent.

It is not necessary but sure can't hurt especially if there is a power surge or a severe drop in voltage (brown out) your equipment will be protected.

Good luck.

...I have try to use a UPS, more cheaper, but it didn't solve my problem of unexpected volume drop...the st 1500 solves any problem!

Thanks for all replies, I will look closer att a voltage regulator. Is there a solution for controlling the channels together with an effect rack?
How does the Quad / 50/50 sound at bedroom volume? Is there much loss of tone? Would the Studio Pre fare any better?

I'd like this setup but I gotta keep the volume on the down lo.
Channel 1 of the Quad is going to sound 99% like the Studio pre (maybe more), but I think what you are asking pertains to the power amp. Bedroom volume sounds great with my Quad, just better when the amp is cranked.

As far as using effects, there are midi switchers that use the 1/4 jacks in the back of the Quad.
The Quad ch1 is more aggressive than the Studio. The studio is darker and smoother :)

Both the Studio and Quad are GREAT at lower volumes though!
Yeah, with low volume, I can't say there is anything bad about it. It just gets a different vibe when the power amp is cranked. It's a marginal difference IMO. It's nothing that would distract you when you are trying to practice.

If you want the tubes to break up at a low volume, then the 20/20 is probably the best choice. The 20/20 is probably the closest power amp to what I'm running my Quad through, which is the power section of an EL-84 Caliber combo, but the old 50/50's do have half power. The 6l6's in the 50/50 will have more headroom, and bigger bass at higher volumes.

An important thing to keep in mind is that the Boogies get their sound mainly from the preamp, so any power amp coloring isn't going to make a huge difference anyway.
tommyhawk13 said:
An important thing to keep in mind is that the Boogies get their sound mainly from the preamp, so any power amp coloring isn't going to make a huge difference anyway.

I would kick in that if we're talking about the 20/20, it does have a fairly pronounced midrange. You may not like it when dialing tones in your bedroom, but you'll find out why it's there as soon as you take it to rehearsal and the guy with the 100 watt TSL is asking you to turn down.

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