PRS 513 + MKV players unite!

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New member
Jul 12, 2014
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St. Petersburg, FL
It seems to me that a lot of these threads specific to tone are useless unless you play the same guitar. I'll start this thread as a means for all PRS 513 + MKV players to share topics (tone settings, pedals, etc).

A little about me: I bought a MKV and a PRS 513 at the same time. To me, there's not a more versatile amp+guitar combination out there. As a professional gigging musician in Tampa Bay, I've found that I can bring this set up to any gig and fit in fine. Check out my website at

Here's a promotional video I made for solo guitar gigs. I'm using the MKV in CH1, fat mode, 90w, EQ on sliders (famous V shape), and reverb around 11:00. The 513 is set on heavy humbucking mode, neck pickup. I play with fingernails. Enjoy!
Nice playing. I put down classical several years after graduating with a B.Mus. in classical and lute, and recently have though about picking it up again. I love Baroque and Renaissance music, but too hooked on electric now. I have a Mk V head as well, found you can get some great clean tones out of it for that sort of playing - but I'll be darned if I ever grow my nails out again! Man, what a pain in the rear to maintain, and then there's the explaining why you only have nails on one hand (or nails at all, lol).
Great job sir!

I also use a 513 (amongst other PRS), which is great through the V for pretty much any style of music. The flexibility it throws up is hard to beat!

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