i've had mine for about a year and 7 months now... aside from the switching pop (which has been discussed here many times) and the reverb swell (another known issue discussed here many times) I've had no problems what so ever. Actually I dont recall a issue related topic here concerning the roadster other than the popping or reverb.
On another note i've found very few store employees that know enough about the roadster or road king to really know what they're talking about. for instance at the GC in springfield NJ, i was in there looking for a PRS and was demo'ing a modern eagle through a roadster stack, and was told before i plugged in that the amp was complete crap by this punk kid saleman. So i look at the eqs and sure enough no mids and treble, bass and gain were maxed. So before plugging in i fiddled with the knobs to my settings, did the pedal dance so the amp wouldnt pop and watched the guys jaw hit the floor. He was blown away by the tone and start asking ME about the amp... if i'm not wrong part of his job is to go to clinics and do his research on the amps he's suppose to sell.
Anyway long story short, a lwayer looking guy who was standing behind us while i demo'd the Modern eagle asked if he could jump on the amp with the modern eagle... i said sure because i didnt have the money for the ME. The guy ended up buying the ME and the Roadster mostly because of the tone he was hearing after i properly setup the amp.
Now i am no where close to good in my playing (or at least in my eyes i'm not... maybe i'm OK) and for a guy who could blow me out of the water to hear me playing a certain guitar through a certain amp setup a certain way says a lot about the products themselves and also that hearing/seeing somethings potential in person is worth so much more than word of mouth. Too bad all i got out of that was a deal on a THD Hotplate... ******* should have gave me a cut of that comission (that dude spent about 10,000k in one pop).