Pros Of Two Heads

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ashjn: So how could I use both amps at the same time or can I with my set-up./ I have a 2ch. Trip. Rect. playing through a Mesa 4x12 Trd. Rect. and a Mesa Rect. 2x12. What could I use to mix the 2 heads?

MasterTrax: Same question as above.

- Patrick
AliensExist4 said:
ashjn: So how could I use both amps at the same time or can I with my set-up./ I have a 2ch. Trip. Rect. playing through a Mesa 4x12 Trd. Rect. and a Mesa Rect. 2x12. What could I use to mix the 2 heads?

MasterTrax: Same question as above.

- Patrick

Ideally, something like the Sound Sculpture Headtrip would be great. With this unit, you could switch any combo of amps into whatever cabs you want. A cheaper alternative would be an ABY box, but then the amps would only be playable through their respective cabinets...
ashjn: So with the headtrip which is a rack unit right, I could use 2 heads at the same time through both my 4x12 and 2x12? What do I use to switch between them?

- Patrick
ashjn: How do you use your two heads to mix them. Like, you just set-up up each head to compliment each other and mix them with the headtrip to get your favorite sounds?

- Patrick
AliensExist4 said:
ashjn: So with the headtrip which is a rack unit right, I could use 2 heads at the same time through both my 4x12 and 2x12? What do I use to switch between them?

- Patrick

The Headtrip switches between them. You would use a MIDI footcontroller to make selections...

I don't personally own it, I actually just run my guitar into a Phase 90, Boss DD-20, and the Boss DD-20 stereo outs into each head, into each cab
AliensExist4 said:
ashjn: So would I be able to use both heads at the same time or would I only be able to switch between them?

- Patrick

Either. This is from the Sound Sculpture website:

Select either of two instruments

Insert up to two mono FX loops in series into the audio path

Route any 1 of up to 3 heads to 1 or 2 speaker cabinets

Route any 2 of up to 3 heads to two speaker cabinets connecting any one head to one speaker and any other head to the other speaker.

Fully protect the amp heads that are not currently selected by muting the inputs and loading the outputs

Monitor the internal loads and mute inputs as required as added protection in the event of cable miswiring

Switch up to 8 footswitch inputs of amp heads to replace mechanical footswitches for channel selection or reverb control

Do all switching under MIDI control using either Program Change commands or Control Change commands (Instant Access switches)

Do all switching using a dual momentary switch on the footswitch input with various combinations available using a Mode Selector Switch.
ashjn: Ok cool so it looks like I have the option of running both heads at the same time through both cabs or using one head for each cab. Correct?

- Patrick
eltrain858 said:
trustee said:
Pat - Tom's setup in Blink was very similar to what you described. He used 3 4x12 Recto Cabs with 1 2x12 Recto on top of each. All were closed back - 4x12s had V30s in them and the 2x12 had greenbacks. This was powered by a Triple Rectifier (dirty) and JCM 900 (clean) switched by a whirlwind a/b selector. Later down the road he changed to an all rack system with the Triaxis and JMP.

Why do you know so much about Tom Delonge's setup? :shock:

trustee said:
Why are you trying to imitate Tom Delonge's setup? :shock:

What's wrong with that? Some people including myself are into Tom's sound. :)

Nobody says anything when people want to figure out what Mark IV John Petrucci currently uses or that he used he used 2 Mark IV heads along with his iic+ preamp for this past g3 2006 tour & yadda yadda yadda.... I personally couldn't care less, but I can still appreciate what someone is after in their tone quest.

One of the great things about his forum is the fact that we all can learn from each other and share information without having the arrogance that other forums do. Let's keep it that way guys. ;-)

Anyways, as previously stated, Tom now uses the Triaxis and JMP...

If anyone else is curious this is Tom's new setup in AVA:

Marshall JMP-1 through Marshall 100/100 (Clean) - 2x12 Mesa Cab
Mesa Tri-axis through Mesa 2:90 (Distortion) - 4x12 Mesa Cab
TC Electronics G-Force
DMC MIDI Switcher
I Run a dual amp setup. A stiletto (series 1) for the classic British metal type tone & the Killer clean it has and then a Dual Rectifier (3 channel) for the modern BIG HEAVY tones and the dirty bluesy clean I set it up for.

5 channels of Mesa Bliss!
songrider said:
I Run a dual amp setup. A stiletto (series 1) for the classic British metal type tone & the Killer clean it has and then a Dual Rectifier (3 channel) for the modern BIG HEAVY tones and the dirty bluesy clean I set it up for.

5 channels of Mesa Bliss!

I was wondering how that setup would sound, I was considering that with my Triple and possibly either a Stilleto Deuce or Trident. The other current thought is a Peavey 5150, which is more than likely what I'm going to go with in the end. I think either would be pretty brutal.

Well, I have the Stiletto trident (version 1) and in my opinion it absolutely SMOKES the 5150.

We have a 5150 2-12 combo in the studio and I found the gain to be to much to soon and buzzy. As well as thin. Distorts to no end but tons of feedback and really not usable gain or tone. Plus the clean channel is just simply not clean at all.( I have never liked those)

The Stiletto on the other hand is real full and punchy with a different type gain than the Dual Rectifier. Where the Rectifier has a "all hell is breaking loose" kinda gain the Stiletto is more of a great smooth buttery grind. With tons of tone from top to bottom. And the cleans are just full and clean. Not really chimey but good never the less. They complement each other beautifully.

To get happy with my Stiletto I did have to load it with some E34L's from eurotubes. and I run a tung sol in the v-1 and then a JJ ecc803s in V-2 and then JJ ECC83's in the rest.
Would you mind breaking it down for us simpletons? What difference did that particular tube selection make? I have stock mesa tubes in my stilettos-what would change if I tried your setup?
stash49 said:
Would you mind breaking it down for us simpltons? What difference did that particular tube selection make? I have stock mesa tubes in my stilettos-what would change if I tried your setup?

The JJ E34L's compared to the stock Mesa tubes..... The JJ's bring more overall tone and range. richer lows and the mids have more punch. The highs are not as harsh, More rounded.

The Tung Sol gives it more gain and helps the boomy lows in Fluid drive. The JJECC803s just has a great tone to it. Less drive than the Tung Sol but more tone.

You can run another Tung Sol in the V-2 (I did for awhile) For more gain, but to me I lost some of the lows & mids after it got heated up real good. (that could just be that tube) but I like the ECC803s for the tone & stability it brings.

Then I finish it off with ecc83s tubes because of there all over great sound. The JJ preamp tubes just dont seem to have the harsh spikey highs like the Mesa tubes & to me they just have a slightly darker - richer overall sound to them.