Problems with external switching on Quad using MIDI Octopus

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Jun 4, 2006
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Hi all

Have a problem getting my Quad to work with my Rocktron Octopus. This may take some explaining so bear with me. I have the quad connected as follows - output a, b, c, d, e, f and g of the octopus are connected to the R1, L1, R2, L2, Eq1, Eq2, rev boost and rev cancel repsectively. Some of the switches cause a buzz when selected. For example if you select g for the reverb cancel it works fine but if you select f for reverb boost it makes a continuous buzzing in the background. Swapping the cables around (f for boost, g for cancel) seems to cause buzzing on both settings.

The quad works perfectly when connected for switching to my Patchmate without any buzz or hum and it also works with ordinary footswitch pedals connected to the jacks. I want to use the patchmate for audio switching as it's a pricey unit to just have doing remote switching.

Does it shound like some kind of ground loop problem? I thought the octopus relays were all isolated from one another to prevent that kind of issue. Another factor may be my power supply for the octopus. I am in the UK using 230v, and the quad is a european voltage model, not one from the US used with a step down transformer. The patchmate has a properly earthed 9v AC supply with a 3 prong plug, the octopus is using a 2 pin european style 12v AC supply through a 'shaver' adapter.

Any ideas on how I can get the Octopus to work succesfully will be appreciated. If I can't make it work I might go for the amp gizmo. Any comments on how these work?


Guessing it's a Rockman Octopus.

Only 1 (I think it's J) output has a latch type switch on the Rockman. I've seen other posts about this same problem so maybe Google the issue. The other option is the Axess Electronics CFX-4.
Thanks for that... it is a Rockman Octopus... I was too busy thinking about the patchmate!

In terms of output switches I think they are all latching on the Octopus (i will go back and check the manual) but the A output has the possibility of using a TRS cable to act as a channel switcher for amps that need that kind of switching. The others are plain tip to sleeve grounding relays.
simonkibble said:
Thanks for that... it is a Rockman Octopus... I was too busy thinking about the patchmate!

In terms of output switches I think they are all latching on the Octopus (i will go back and check the manual) but the A output has the possibility of using a TRS cable to act as a channel switcher for amps that need that kind of switching. The others are plain tip to sleeve grounding relays.

On the octopus A & B are TRS and C-H are just TR
A & B switch so its either Tip on or Ring on. C-H just on or off (or should I say open or closed)

If you use C-H should be fine
Using G and H is giving me the most problems with the buzz, yet it completely disappears when I go back to using the patchmate to do the switching instead of the Octopus.

Anybody out there got a real technical explanation of why this problem is happening with the octopus and not the patchmate? And maybe a suggestion on how to cure it?

Thanks again