Problem with Tremoverb Loop

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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score
Boston, MA
I had earlier posted that I though the problem with my TOV was tube related. While that may still be the case I think the issue lies in the loop. The loop select turns off the sound from both channels but when engaged on Loop On Orange and Red, I get some trem sounding noise.

I don't have anything runnning through the effects loop and no channel cloning going on.

If anyone has an idea of what the problem might be, please let me know
Hey Bruno,

Email me your serial # and maybe a picture of the insides of the chassis. Be careful not to get shocked! andy at

Sounds like you may have LDR issues or it may simply be the Send jack.

Try running a patch cable from the Send to the Return jack. If you have signal afterward, then you know it is just the jack.

Some of the mid production Tremoverbs had crappy LDR's in them. If you have one of these amps, Mesa will fix it for free.
Thanks for the offer Andy. I ended up taking it my guy in state and just got off the phone with him. It turns out that the gain pots were going and I had a bad preamp tube in the line. The amp really also needed a tune up badly.

He also thought it was going to be in the switching circuit but it turned out to be something different. I haven't figure out why the switch wasn't working but I'll discuss when I meet up with him to pick it up over the weekend.