preamp tubes and the mark 4?

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Just retubed my Mark IV(a) with Jan Phillips MIL 12ax7 in V1/V2/V3, at Mesa 12at7 in V4 and a JJ 12ax7 gold pin/balanced triodes in V5. It is s a little over the top, but wanted to try some higher end tubes in the gain sections. The easy way out is JJ 12ax7's across the board and easy on the wallet.

I have a mesa spax7 in v1 and mullard reissues in the rest. I like the mullards because they have generally flat response. some other tubes I had were way too bright... the m4 has enough brightness as it is
I retube this fall with all Tung Sol 12ax7s and Tung Sol EL34's in the Class A and Tung Sol 6L6's. It's a screaming mochine!!
I've used quite a few. I like NOS telefunken 12ax7's, which are very smooth, but the newer Electro-Harmonix 12ax7's that were based on the telefunkens come quite close in terms of tone. In my triaxis, because it got thrown around alot, I used military-spec JAN Sylvanias for awhile, which decreased my gain a little but they never ever failed.

It's important to remember that Mesa voice their amps with the tubes that they have access to for production. So putting in vintage tubes isn't necessarily better, just different. Also, a lot of the mojo of boutique tubes really applies more to vintage or vintage-style amps, where the gain and breakup characteristics are much more power-stage dependent. Once you are using a cascading preamp style amp which produces most of the gain and distortion pre-power stage, it almost becomes silly to get anal about tubes. (But I did it anyway so who am I to judge).

In my experience, Chinese tubes tend to be bright and fizzy with more gain, russian/eastern european a little rounder. NOS military spec tubes (JAN Sylvanias for example) tend to be a little less gainy, round and fat, and quite indestructable. But hey, tubes are tubes and they all vary a little. And of course, always remember that most of your tone is in your hands anyway. I've seen Eddie Van Halen play thru the high-gain channel of a little Polytone jazz amp, and he totally sounded like Eddie.
I've always wondered about the people who say that after re-tubing it sounded like a different amp. I've never noticed a huge difference, just subtle little changes. Maybe I have just damaged my hearing with all the Simul-class and what-not. :lol: The biggest difference I have ever noticed with a tube change was when I changed all the old stock, worn out, microphonic pre's in a triaxis with a new set of Mesa tubes. Fresh and minty.

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