pre 500 vs Road King II

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Wow, you guys have too much time on your hands. I used the word "Slay" as an indirect pun on how amps are reviewed by 12 year olds.
I could not help but laugh at using it. I also did not want to spend an hour typing out the differences or similarities in both amps and break out settings, ambient temperature, barometric pressure and forty other acts of rambling to fit each genre.

Your all welcome to come over and hear it for yourself.
I still don't agree that this is only a matter of taste. My point here is that you have to make a difference between your taste in tone and the qualities of an amp. I can understand why someone would like the tone of a revG better than a C or D, because there are differences in tone between the revisions and, in that matter, taste is important. BUT... that being said, i think anyone who knows about amps, who knows what works in a band context and who has good ears will agree that the pre-500 have special qualities in them that latter versions don't have. More agressive tone while being tighter and cleaner, less high fizz while more attack, etc...
But that's possible you won't like the tone because it is different. On my other DR i have to put all the settings higher than on the pre-500 and i still don't have as much agression, thightness and attack... it also feels like the tone is "more open" and directly connected to the guitar... My point is that it is possible you would like the G's tone better but i think most of you would also recognise that there are qualities in the pre-500 that sets it apart from the rest. To me it is definitly a better amp but you got to like the tone. Dispite the fact that it is better, it could just not be for you... But let me finish by saying i would be surprised by that, ha ha !!espacially if you already like DRs...
I wish i had a RK2 i could A/B test with my pre-500... no dealer around here and i don't know anyone who owns one
danvortex said:
I still don't agree that this is only a matter of taste. My point here is that you have to make a difference between your taste in tone and the qualities of an amp. I can understand why someone would like the tone of a revG better than a C or D, because there are differences in tone between the revisions and, in that matter, taste is important. BUT... that being said, i think anyone who knows about amps, who knows what works in a band context and who has good ears will agree that the pre-500 have special qualities in them that latter versions don't have. More agressive tone while being tighter and cleaner, less high fizz while more attack, etc...
But that's possible you won't like the tone because it is different. On my other DR i have to put all the settings higher than on the pre-500 and i still don't have as much agression, thightness and attack... it also feels like the tone is "more open" and directly connected to the guitar... My point is that it is possible you would like the G's tone better but i think most of you would also recognise that there are qualities in the pre-500 that sets it apart from the rest. To me it is definitly a better amp but you got to like the tone. Dispite the fact that it is better, it could just not be for you... But let me finish by saying i would be surprised by that, ha ha !!espacially if you already like DRs...
I wish i had a RK2 i could A/B test with my pre-500... no dealer around here and i don't know anyone who owns one

Very well put.
Boogiebabies said:
Your all welcome to come over and hear it for yourself.

Some sound clips would be fantastic! But yeah, the feeling and playability might not get recorded. Witness the recordings of the differences between 6L6 and EL34 tubes. You have to base your playing and phrasing on what the equipment leads you to do.
edgarallanpoe said:
Dispite the fact that it is better,

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! :D :shock:

What's so funny. Do you have either amp for your own comparison.
Also, not all of us are fortunate to have OSX Leopard running Safari 3.0.4 that spell checks as you write.

I don't have any problem dropping coin on building an amp collection and offering a minute opinion on what is within my perspective. I have never jumped on the band wagon, I have always been on at the first stop due to my passion and appreciation for Mesa's. I have had RO232 for some time, and if it came to it I would flip the Soldano SLO instead if I were to become destitute. In utter disgust, I sold a Diezel VH-4 as the Recto was more consistent in providing a wide array of tones. Either running 6L6's, KT-66's or EL34's the DR never ceases to amaze me at how high tonal quality and performance it provides. As Johnson stated, I bought it accidentally for $ 900 and would never dream of flipping it at any price.
Boogiebabies said:
edgarallanpoe said:
Dispite the fact that it is better,

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! :D :shock:

What's so funny. Do you have either amp for your own comparison.
Also, not all of us are fortunate to have OSX Leopard running Safari 3.0.4 that spell checks as you write.

I don't have any problem dropping coin on building an amp collection and offering a minute opinion on what is within my perspective. I have never jumped on the band wagon, I have always been on at the first stop due to my passion and appreciation for Mesa's. I have had RO232 for some time, and if it came to it I would flip the Soldano SLO instead if I were to become destitute. In utter disgust, I sold a Diezel VH-4 as the Recto was more consistent in providing a wide array of tones. Either running 6L6's, KT-66's or EL34's the DR never ceases to amaze me at how high tonal quality and performance it provides. As Johnson stated, I bought it accidentally for $ 900 and would never dream of flipping it at any price.

I dont want to put you on the spot, but with the way you rave about the pre 500 DR, is there any way you could post some sound clips? Very curious to hear it!
My post had nothing to do with spelling. The poster stated "The FACT that it is better". Obviously some people don't understand the difference between fact and opinion...and I find that to be funny.

FWIW I do have a Roadking and I have played a few early DR. I prefer the RK, but I can see why some prefer the DR. Here is a pic of my RK if you doubt me.

edgarallanpoe said:
My post had nothing to do with spelling. The poster stated "The FACT that it is better". Obviously some people don't understand the difference between fact and opinion...and I find that to be funny.

FWIW I do have a Roadking and I have played a few early DR. I prefer the RK, but I can see why some prefer the DR. Here is a pic of my RK if you doubt me.


Yup, looks like a Road King, a mop, cleaner, a case of motor oil and a Lexicon effects unit. I have not seen mine in 10 months because I never use it. If you like your RK II and it suits you, whats to doubt ?