pre 500 vs Road King II

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Oct 18, 2007
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How does the gain structure sound on the RKII vs a pre 500 recto? Anyone own both to know how the RKII tones stack up to a pre 500 recto?
but i've heard from more and more people lately that they can sound close. What about Ch. 3 vintage on RKII?
Again, this is a MATTER OF TASTE :evil: :wink:
Boogiebabies said:
CJG said:
Again, this is a MATTER OF TASTE :evil: :wink:

Not really. when you have both amps sitting next to each other and try the same tubes, cabs, cables and guitars it was a real study into the differences. I stand 100% by my post.

Well, you didn't say who (besides yourself) was involved in the evaluation, what qualities you chose to evaluate and what those qualities mean to you (or the other evaluators), how you eliminated potential prejudice (double blind test), etc., etc., etc.,
Well, you didn't say who (besides yourself) was involved in the evaluation, what qualities you chose to evaluate and what those qualities mean to you (or the other evaluators), how you eliminated potential prejudice (double blind test), etc., etc., etc.,

+1. Not to mention the fact that you didn't tell us what type of music you play. For me, the RK is the ultimate amp. I play in a cover band that does everything from Tommy Tutone, to Iron Maiden, and everything in between. Hell, we even covered After the Loving by Engelbert Humperdink...LOL!! A ROV doesn't have anywhere near enough sounds to warrant it being my main gigging amp. It can be heavier sounding, no question, but I use my Boogie for a helluva lot more than just those heavy sounds. That isn't to say that the pre 500 ROV is a one trick pony, it isn't, but it ain't a RK.

Sorry, but the
Pre-500's slay the RK II plain and simple.
statement is nonsense. There are so many variables that it would be impossible to list them all.
Read the original question.
How does the gain structure sound on the RKII vs a pre 500 recto? Anyone own both to know how the RKII tones stack up to a pre 500 recto?
He was answering that plain and simple. The gain on the pre 500's is agreed to be something that all rectifiers after are lacking something in.

Now obviously four channels gives you a lot more options over 2 channels but the question was specifically about the gain.

I was suprised by how small the transformers are in my roadking when I got it. I swear all other 100 watt tubes amps I have ever had had much larger transformers, I'm sure cranked up loud that would have to affect the punch etc.... somewhat.....
He was answering that plain and simple. The gain on the pre 500's is agreed to be something that all rectifiers after are lacking something in.

Agreed by who? Certainly not everyone.

I did read the question. Gain comes in all shapes and sizes. If we are talking about strictly heavy sounds, then I *somewhat* agree. I still prefer the tone of the RK but I can see where some would disagree.

But that wasn't the question. The question was about gain structure and that covers an enormous area. I can get a huge liquid, smooth, lead tone with gobs of gain from my RK in 50 watt EL34 mode with a simple pedal switch. That can't be done with a Recto. I can also get killer 50 watt Marshallesque tones from channel 2. *That* is also "gain structure".

Again, this is absolutely subjective, to think otherwise is something I don't understand at all.
I don't agree. Yes tone is subjective but some amps just have qualities others don't have. When you compared two different amps in the recto line it is easy to hear those differences and it is not just a matter of taste.
I own 2 DRs, a pre-500 and a rev G, i bought the pre-500 more by curiosity and did not expect much of it but i was surprised and so my bandmates were, the amp is different but definitly better. I never played A RK so i can't tell but to me 2 channels are way better than 3 channels DRs and the pre-500 is another thing, it's just playing in another league...
danvortex said:
I don't agree. Yes tone is subjective but some amps just have qualities others don't have. When you compared two different amps in the recto line it is easy to hear those differences and it is not just a matter of taste.
I own 2 DRs, a pre-500 and a rev G, i bought the pre-500 more by curiosity and did not expect much of it but i was surprised and so my bandmates were, the amp is different but definitly better. I never played A RK so i can't tell but to me 2 channels are way better than 3 channels DRs and the pre-500 is another thing, it's just playing in another league...

I had a very similar experience with my pre500 as well...
If you make a comment about the pre500 gain being equal to a RK in gain and/or tone, you need to get your ears checked!
I knew people were going to say simply "the pre 500 gain is better", but I was really wanting someone to describe the difference in gain sounds between the two, not which is better. In other words, what are the characteristics of the gain on the pre 500 vs the RK? For example, is the pre 500 gain darker, heavier, tighter than the RK?
I don't agree. Yes tone is subjective but some amps just have qualities others don't have. When you compared two different amps in the recto line it is easy to hear those differences and it is not just a matter of taste.

Agreed, but when you say that one amp "slays" another, you aren't saying that.
123thefirst said:
Boogiebabies said:
CJG said:
Again, this is a MATTER OF TASTE :evil: :wink:

Not really. when you have both amps sitting next to each other and try the same tubes, cabs, cables and guitars it was a real study into the differences. I stand 100% by my post.

Well, you didn't say who (besides yourself) was involved in the evaluation, what qualities you chose to evaluate and what those qualities mean to you (or the other evaluators), how you eliminated potential prejudice (double blind test), etc., etc., etc.,

In the defense of boogiebabies, he got his pre-500 at a price comparable to that of a plain jane DR. If he wanted he could flip it for much more than what he paid for it. If the Pre-500 was just hype etc, and didn't sound that great, I would expect him to sell his Pre500 to cash in on that "hype." The fact that he hasn't sold it, supports the fact that the PRE-500 is an amp that is worth holding on to. This is not to say that the Roadking is not a great amp in its own right, im just saying that as a long time board lurker/member that I have a lot of respect for his opinion.
Johnson said:
In the defense of boogiebabies, he got his pre-500 at a price comparable to that of a plain jane DR. If he wanted he could flip it for much more than what he paid for it. If the Pre-500 was just hype etc, and didn't sound that great, I would expect him to sell his Pre500 to cash in on that "hype." The fact that he hasn't sold it, supports the fact that the PRE-500 is an amp that is worth holding on to. This is not to say that the Roadking is not a great amp in its own right, im just saying that as a long time board lurker/member that I have a lot of respect for his opinion.

Yeah, well, in the past four months I've bought two pre-500s - one C, one D - each for less than $1000. And I sold both of them, because in my OPINION my TOV sounds better than either.

The D did absolutely nothing for me, but the current owner (a member of this forum) loves it. So, different strokes.

I liked the 'C' a little more but still...not really my thing.

To say that either 'slays' a (fill in the blank here) is asinine. They have a sound. Some like them, so don't.
Noone says Boogiebabies is WRONG in this case. But - it's not about wrong or right at all. The early Rectos sound in a special way but it IS up to ones taste to like it or not.
The RK's also have their uniqe sound which can not be copied by other amps (incl early or newer rectos).

Question: If it's not about taste - what is it about?
