I am selling at Powerhouse 8x10 cab and Titan Big Block through craigslist. The Titan Big Block is still up for grabs but I am selling the 8x10 cab today. I got a small endorsement deal through Mesa so I didn't know what the list prices were. The cab is in great condition and is a year and a half old. I'm selling it for 950 with a soft slip cast that has padding. Am I getting ripped off? I bought the product with a small endorsement deal so I didn't know what the list price is. Now I see that it is 1500 just for the cab! What would any of you pay for just the cab alone? Help a brother out!
Side note, if you are looking for a Titan Big Block bass head, you can see a link to the craigslist page here::
Side note, if you are looking for a Titan Big Block bass head, you can see a link to the craigslist page here::