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Oct 28, 2009
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Hey guys, im new in this forum. Im sad to inform that my first post is a ****** post because my poweramp ******* broke

Yesterday I plugged my Mesa/Boogie Fifty/Fifty Tube Stereo Poweramp, on my power conditioner in my rack, and when I plugged my powerconditioner in the wall, I saw this little flash(spark) reflecting around my rig, it wasnt nothing really bright or anything I think it was a little spark coming out fro my powerconditioner because the poweramp was trying to attract electricity early SINCE by mistake my poweramp was on, and it wasnt hooked up to a cab, nor preamp. I quickly ran to the front of my rack to see what was going on, and I noticed that my power button was ON. And I freaked out, today I tried plugging it in again, and my tubes wont glow and the blue light at the front wont turn on either.

I know I ****** up really nicely, I wasted 1300 dollars right there.

WHAT kind I do to fix it??????????????????????????????????????
Check fuse. Even if you did do something wrong, It isn't ruined, probably a simple fix. Be careful next time :wink:
Have you tried plugging the amp into a different outlet? or that same power conditioner?
Try the wall and if it's still dead, it is likely the fuse.
Otherwise, the conditioner is the culprit...does anything else work plugged into the conditioner?

Good luck! :D
I didnt know what a fuse was until yesterday. And the fuse was completely black and bubbly lol, I emailed the guy that sold it to me, and he said its the fuse for sure.

I think its pretty cool that fuses exist in this world! what an awesome IDEA!
I think its pretty cool that fuses exist in this world! what an awesome IDEA!
I take it that you do not possess an engineering degree. :lol: We can all thank Benjamin Franklin for protecting our amps!

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