Power transformer for European Voltage (220V) for studio pre

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Dec 15, 2007
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Hello and merry Christmas everybody!
I bought a studio preamp from ebay and I'm waiting for it to come to me...
It has a US tranformer for 110V but here in Greece we have 220V so I was wondering what power transformer I should use with it.
I thought I shouldn't try to change the internal power transformer since I might get a different sound/feel and I wouldn't like that. So I thought that maybe an external power transformer would be a better solution. Now the question is, what type of P.T. should I choose? (Besides the obvious 220 to 110V thing). Any recommendations on what should I be looking for?
Thanks in advance for your help!
johna156 said:
Hello and merry Christmas everybody!
I bought a studio preamp from ebay and I'm waiting for it to come to me...
It has a US tranformer for 110V but here in Greece we have 220V so I was wondering what power transformer I should use with it.
I thought I shouldn't try to change the internal power transformer since I might get a different sound/feel and I wouldn't like that. So I thought that maybe an external power transformer would be a better solution. Now the question is, what type of P.T. should I choose? (Besides the obvious 220 to 110V thing). Any recommendations on what should I be looking for?
Thanks in advance for your help!

Hi mate,

are you the same guy who bought the Vetta combo amp from me a few years ago??

BTW, as per the transformer, I would NOT trust one of those small white boxes that you can put on the power cord. I have experienced the same problem when I purchased my Quad on eBay (absolute bargain, the best preamp ever for as low as 490 USD!!!), and I eventually bought an external 150W transformer. I have put everything on a baseplate, connected it to a multisocket strip so that I can plug additional 110V equipment if I ever need to, and wired the ground of the strip to the actual ground. There are high voltages in any tube equipment, I would never want to plug my guitar into anything that's not earthed.

You can see a picture of what this looks like here:


it's in the bottom-right corner.
Hey! Yeah, I'm the one! How's it going?
I still have the Vetta you know! And it's still working flawlesly!
So anyway, you would recommend an at least 150w external power transformer eh? Anything else I should look out for? Any filters perhaps that the P.T should have?