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Koprofag said:
1)Is it ok to run 4x6L6 tubes in a simul-class Mark III in BOTH half and full power modes? Manual advices not to.

2)May I only use 4x6L6 tubes in full power mode?

3)If I only use half-power mode, do I still have to keep tubes in the inner sockets?

4)Are there any other tube combinations that are possible (i.e. 4xEL34) without the use of Yellow Jackets?

1)The bit about not putting 6L6s in the outer sockets is an update, it's not in the original manual. I'm guessing there was a period when the supply of 6L6s that could safely be run in the outers was of questionable reliability. FWIW, I've run all STR-454s without incident. YMMV.

2) As above, if you believe the "updated" manual, you should run only EL-34s in the outer sockets and 6L6s in the inner.

3)It's not critical (I've heard), but there is increased hum.

4)No, not in a MkIII.
Has nothing to do with "supply of reliable 6L6's".It is because the outer sockets are biased hotter to accomodate the EL34's.If you want to use 6L6's in these sockets you have 2 options,have the bias voltaged changed to fit the 6L6's or find 6L6's that will operate safely at that bias voltage.Oh,or you could do like MrMKIII and put 4x6L6's in and cross your fingers.
FWIW - I have run all 6L6's for years in my Mark III without any issues.
I ran all 6L6's for a long time in my last Mk lll without any problems. The original manual actually recommended all 6L6's. The manual changed to say they have had reports about 6L6's not lasting as long as the inner ones so now recommend EL34's.
In essence, run whichever you choose, it makes no difference to the amp other than to sound fuller.
probably a bunch of people like rabies (;)) ran their amps too hard and complained to mesa, who probably put that in the updated manual so as to save their asses.
phyrexia said:
probably a bunch of people like rabies ran their amps too hard and complained to mesa, who probably put that in the updated manual so as to save their asses.
More than likely to save the trouble of selling "mis-matched" quads.The outer sockets have a bias voltage of about -46volts,the inner has -56volts. If you put a matched quad in there your outer tubes will be much hotter than the inner pair.
stokes said:
phyrexia said:
probably a bunch of people like rabies ran their amps too hard and complained to mesa, who probably put that in the updated manual so as to save their asses.
More than likely to save the trouble of selling "mis-matched" quads.The outer sockets have a bias voltage of about -46volts,the inner has -56volts. If you put a matched quad in there your outer tubes will be much hotter than the inner pair.

Good point. I forgot my ;) at rabies too, I'll need to edit that in.

But, Mesa doesn't sell Quads. Did they ever?
Here is how I bought a near mint MKIII red stripe Simul Class for $500.00 two years ago. The amp didn't work and kept blowing fuses. The amp had been in storage for about 15 years, under the Boogie cover, in a garage. The gal who owned it, who's mother had bought it for her when it was new didn't want to sell it until she got it running but after about 6 months of my bugging her and her not fixing it she agreed to sell it. I had assumed that it was a 60/100 because she said that all 4 of the power tubes were the same. When I got there, after a wile I noticed that though the tubes all looked the same, they weren't and someone had switch the two right side tubes, so that from left to right it was STR416, 6L6, STR416, 6L6, (all Mesa tubes). I put the 6L6s on the inside and the EL34s on the outside. When I refired the amp the 6L6 that had been in an EL34 socket glowed bright orange and fried, blowing another fuse. I ran the amp again using only EL34 tubes in the outboard sockets, without the 6L6's installed and it seemed to work well when I tried the class A mode. I felt that the transformer was probably still good and bought the amp. Mike Bendinelli confirmed that the STR 416 tubes were in great condition and after replacing the 6L6's everything was great. I since sold the amp but still have the STR416's. This tells me that the amp is biased to have only one type of tutes in the sockets.
I run 4 6L6's in my Mark III green stripe. Never had any problems. I use Sovtek 6L6WXT+'s and Winged C 6L6's. 8)
Read the last post on page 1 of this thread. This will explain the reason for running a "cooler" 6L6 in the outer sockets of a Simulclass Boogie.
Koprofag said:
Great replies. :)

So since the inner sockets are biased slightly colder, does that mean I can run 4xEL34 (although it probably would sound worse)?

And I realize it wouldn't serve much of a purpose as the outer tubes would burn faster than the inner anyway.

As long as pin #1 is grounded in the inner sockets, I guess you could try it. But why in the hell would you want to? :? :? :? :?