Post pics of your Mark series amps!

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2005 MKIV widebody with C90
Recto 2X12 with EV12L's
And of course my VHT, soon to be Fryette.
Here is a small pic of my 1983 MKIIc & my 1991 MKIV. Bought them both from Mesa in Petaluma when they were brand new. I was using them to record my first CD at Prairie Sun Studios in Cotati, CA., circa 1998, when this pic was taken.


MeZadude 8)
Here is a small pic of my 2001 Mark IV, you can click on it for a larger view. I also have included an old pic of my 2005 Mark I. The Mark I is undergoing a facelift at the moment so I don't have any updated pics yet (I have a custom headshell on order from Mesa for the Mark I).

Mark III Purple


The grille on the cab looks washed out due to the camera flash. Cab is a halfback, not sure how old but it's been re-grilled and re-tolexed. Has a JBL M-12 in there. Hopefully I can find a blackshadow or an EVM to put in there soon!

Left to right:
Mark III Green (born 8/90 - #2694*)
Mark IIC+ (born 6/84 - #1285*)
Mark III Red (born 9/87 - #2094*)

All are simul/eq/reverb and both III's have the R2 mod. All speakers are EV12L's except for the top two speakers in the 4x12 being Celestion 90's.
Here's a pic of my MKIIB-just got it back this week from Mike Bendinelli at Mesa. He performed a cap job,replaced some pots and the inductors for the EQ. He also performed the Effects Loop Mod. The little amp sounds amazing....I don't know what I'll do with all this gain :shock: , but I'll have fun trying to figure it out. My ears haven't stopped ringing since I got it. :lol:
Spec's: 100/60 watts
Mesa EVM12L
Reverb and EQ
Shock Mounts
(4) NOS Fender Branded (Sylvania) 6L6GC's matched to 1%

see 'ya, Jim