Pops between channels when in 10W.

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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2008
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Hi, I know that changing channels with different Wattage can produce pops, which normal and documented. But the manual is not clear about pops when all 3 channels are in 10 Watts mode.
Anybody else have experienced it?

Channels 1 and 2 on Tubes, Channel 3 Triode.

I havent heard pops yet, but I only got it last night. UPS came really late :(
i have noticed pops when switching from the EQ preset knob to the EQ sliders, both while on the same channel and while switching from one channel that's using the preset to another channel that's using the sliders (both channels on the same wattage setting).
I did some testing and I noticed for my amp at least the popings occur when you switch from one to the next say every second but once you leave it be for a few seconds 3 or 4 or more then not popping. The worse case was clean 45W the others at 90W but again only during quich switching. Very usable and surely not a problem.
you can hear the relays click if you're playing at very low volume. are you sure that's not what's going on?

make sure your footswitch cable is good and snug.
MrMarkIII said:
"Pop" on channel changing - page 32 of Mk V manual. RTM.

And you, have you read my post???
I said ALL channels in 10W. Maybe YOU should read the manual again.
phyrexia said:
you can hear the relays click if you're playing at very low volume. are you sure that's not what's going on?

make sure your footswitch cable is good and snug.

I have no problems with any other wattage, so I can clearly make the difference between the relays and the pops.
Relay sounds come from the head itself while my pops are 10 times louder and comes from the cab...

Thanks anyway.

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