popping and clicking

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Apr 1, 2009
Reaction score
Mark v,
love everything, but, I "do" have clicks and pops when changing channels, even when all channels are the same
watt, 90 for example.
Had a Lonestar 2x12 before. Popped and clicked only when I had different watt between the channels.
Any suggestion?
The clicking is most likely the relays. No idea on the popping, mine only does this when switching to different wattages.
What settings do you typically use? If you use the 45w setting on all channels, and alternate between the 5U4 and Diodes, that could cause some popping. Reverb/Loop Assign may have the same effect.
>Photi G< said:
What settings do you typically use? If you use the 45w setting on all channels, and alternate between the 5U4 and Diodes, that could cause some popping. Reverb/Loop Assign may have the same effect.

I tried all the watt position, all 3 on 90, all 3 on 45 ect.
pop .
I live 40 minutes from petaluma , might just drive up there , have lunch, and let the boogie guys take care of it.
Hey Klang -

Is the popping obvious to you when you are playing through the amp or just when you are switching the amp between channels and not playing?

Regardless of wattage settings all being the same or different, if you are switching the amp and NOT playing, you will hear a pop in the switching. If wattages are different in the amp, this MAY cause for their to be more noise switching from one channel to the next but in general, the amp has been designed to be usable when switching in any circumstance, although it has not been designed to be silent when switching.

It's always tough to say 'how much' noise/pop/hum/hiss is normal on the internet/phone etc. and comparison to another amp with similar settings is the best way to answer a lot of these kind of questions. In your case, bringing the amp home to the factory is a great option to confirm that. Curious what you've found out so far.
Make sure your power is clean...Do you have a conditioner? If the power is dirty..i.e. bad ground etc. the pops and such will be much worse. I use a monster unit (about $80.00) and it works great in most apps. on some outdoor gigs when they run a 100 ft. extention cord, you can expect the amp and everything else to get noisy. Hope tht helps.