The Boogie Board

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Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
:( I am alone ia a small country (Greece) with no one to help me. Please help!

My name is Dimos and i own a MB Marv IV, G major TC, Fcb 1010 Midi Controller a Marshall 2x12 1992 cab and an ibanez Prestige.

Problem one : I ve the g majors manual and it says i can change channels of the Mark IV but the cables cant match. Can i do this and how? Thanks

Problem 2 : Can i make With my gig, my Mark IV stereo so i can make my second channel sounding 7ms later (Petrucci's connection)? Thanks

Problem 3 : The expression pedal on my FCB doesn't work properly. At the lower position it puts the 10% price on my G-Major and my whammy doesnt work right. Thanks

Problem 4 : Delay settings for the G-Major. The manual sucks.Thanks

Problem 5 : I am looking for buying a 4x12 cab but the boogie is a bit expensive 1300 Eu. I think the vintage 30s speaker will suit better for me.Any opinion on a less expensive cab close to the one i like best(recto 4x12) or i should wait to gather the money?

If anyone can help me with any of this problems i would be gratefull and i will pray for him to be a better musician, become famous, make money, jam in a G3 with Satriani Vai Petrucci(what a team !!)......