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Jun 30, 2006
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So I have a 50 watt single rectifier that I recently started running out of an orange 4X12 cabinet. My amp (maybe the cab) has been giving me some loud feedback sometimes even when I'm playing. I bought a noise supressor and it's still giving me all the loud feedback. I noiticed yesterday that I was running it at the wrong ohms (but unfortunatly my head doesn't run at the same ohms as my cab at all). Could that be the problem? Could it be the tubes? Could there be something wrong with cab? WORST OF ALL, could it be my head and I need to fix it?!?!?! Please help me out so I don't have to sell any equipment.

P.S. I don't think it's my guitar cause both a single coil ASAT and a humbucking SG are making the feedback.
I have a Dual Rec and owned a Tverb...both had 16, 8 and 4 ohm option. That should cover any cab. What does the Single Rec have and what is the Orange have? Either way I don't believe feedback would result from a mismatch, but I could be wrong.

I am assuming this is on high gain settings? How high is the gain? What, if anything, are you running in front of the amp? Is the setup quiet when you turn the guitar volume down?
-I think you will need to answer a lot of the questions to get started.
I have a 50 watt single rectifier, it doesn't run at 16 ohms. The orange cab is set at 16 ohms. I have it set on the modern gain setting, but I have the gain on 5 or less at all times. I an playing within 3 or 4 feet of my amp and cab at band practice. But sometimes it seems to be making the feedback whether or not I am facing my cab. I'm runing some pedals through, but it makes the noise with or with out the pedals and if I run it through the effects loop. It doesn't make the noise when at lower volumes or at "clean"settings. But of course this means nothing to me if I can play my amp at low volumes or on clean:(

P.S. Once again, PLEASE HELP ME SO I DON'T HAVE TO SELL THIS SWEET MESA AMP THAT I LOVE SO MUCH (it sounds like fucking dream when it's not making noise)
Your impedance mismatch is not a problem. Putting a higher load on an output will not damage the amp, but putting a lower load on can. In other words if it was backwards...the amp was 16 and the cab was 8, that could do damage. I think you are ok there and I am doubtful that is the cause of your feedback.

If I was you I would strip everything down when you get the feedback. Using your normal set up w/desired pedals in front or in the loop and amp settings....get the feedback you are not liking and stop. Now, don't change the amp settings, but take everything out of the loop or in front and just go directly to the amp from your guitar. If you are still getting it w/same amp setting, but now only the guitar and a now have it narrowed down more. From there I would suspect the tubes. Microphonic preamp tubes can introduce noise and undesired feedback. If going to just the amp and guitar gets rid of the noises you will need to break down your pedals and chains to see what is doing it.

Check my recent post titled something like DR-Noise, not the Amp...
I had an issue with a lot of noise and found that pulling power off my Furman for 2 of my pedals was causing some serious noise. Now that I solved that it is pretty quiet even on high gain settings
To add to boogieslide's comments, if you're only 3-4 feet from the amp and are facing it you will get feedback or a squeel type of sound from being too close to the speakers. Try turning around and facing away from your amp or standing farther back.... Just a suggestion.
Yeah I tried stripping down my pedals one at a time and also in different combonations. I also get the feedback when I'm not facing my amp and sometimes while I'm playing. Could I change the tubes myself? Is it easy enough to find out if this is my problem?
it sounds like you are have mircophonic pickups much gain and volume is another reason...also i have an orange which i rewired to 4 ohms..if you want to wiring diagram just PM's very easy...

what kind of guitar and pickups do you use? cheap pickups...or single coil pickups will cause a Recto to squeal. I'm not implying that you have a cheap guitar...but I bought an Ibanex SZ520 and although I like the guitar a lot, the stock pickups we kinda crappy. and I had to roll the gain back a little to get rid of the squeal. They were hotter and more sharper on the top end than my Jag with a PAF. So it could be your pickups. Just a thought.
As far as changing tubes....yes, it is very easy. Another thing you can do is tap each preamp tube to see if you can identify one that is bad.
Put the amp on the clean channel. Keep the volume pretty low. Tap very lightly on each tube one at a time with a pencil or small screwdriver. A good tube you may hear the tapping come through the sound of the speakers....a bad one is going to pop. You will know the difference!
i run an orange cab as well with a stiletto and dual rec. the stiletto doesnt have a 16 ohm option so i run 8 ohm into the cab at 16 ohms and its fine, check what everybody else said, if you bought it used or the amp is older and never had tubes changed then check the Pres and the power tubes with the tapping method, also your pickups, guitars shielding, cable, or speaker cable could be the culprit... check those out as well

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