Played the Express 5:25 & 5:50 Today; Which 1 Get's the

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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
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I stepped in to one of my local music stores -- and was surprised to find they had both Express combos in stock. Naturally, I had to try them both.
This was my take on both them:

5:25 - A definite upgrade over the 1x10 subway series amps. Surprising headroom out of the clean channel and the lead/burn channel really does rip as stated in another post. However, I found the sound to be too boxy. Overall I didn't really like this amp in the 1x10 combo form factor. On the other hand, it would really shine with a larger sized cab. So I'd recommend the head unit to use with your choice of cabs.

Grade: B+

5:50 - This is where it's at. Took the F-50 and raised it to another level. When I started playing this amp, it seems like all of the employees and customers in the store stopped what they were doing and circled around to hear this great amp. The cleans are very reminiscent of the Lonestar Classic with a bit more bite. The reverb is wet and silky (like a fender vibro king). In addition to the LS series amps, this is only the second amp I've come across where you can just plug your axe in and get a great sound w/o effects or pedals.

The lead/burn channel - this is the channel they should have put into the Lonestars. Searing liquid leads (ala Mark IV)..and the crunch has a Stilleto Ace character to it.

Grade: A+

I really wanted to like the 5:25 for practices and restaurant type gigs -- but it didn't do it for me. YMMV

My next amp is the 5:50 -- as soon as I sell my Triaxis.
Cool man, thanks for your reply! I'm really interested in the 5:25 head but i can only imagine how much will it cost overhere in Europe :roll: :evil:
Nice review, can't wait to try these. Were you using single coils or humbuckers?
fredster said:
Nice review, can't wait to try these. Were you using single coils or humbuckers?

I used a Fender Am DLX Strat & a Les Paul STD.....both were phenomenal, especially the LP in the lead/burn channel.

On the other hand, the 5:25 shares the same allergies the LSS has with buckers -- they're not so good through that amp.

BTW 5:50 is $1149 & $1199 in the U.S. for the head & combo, respectively.

The 5:25 is $999 & $1049 head & 1x10 combo, respectively
Interesting... I've been looking for a more strat-friendly boogie and thinking of an LSS. Maybe I'll wait to try an Express. When I played an LSS, I didn't think humbuckers were too bad. Gotta try again though. Thanks!
fredster said:
Interesting... I've been looking for a more strat-friendly boogie and thinking of an LSS. Maybe I'll wait to try an Express. When I played an LSS, I didn't think humbuckers were too bad. Gotta try again though. Thanks!

They are workable, what I meant is that you can't plug & play as readily as when using single coils.....
On the other hand, the 5:25 shares the same allergies the LSS has with buckers -- they're not so good through that amp.

I'm suprised to read this, unless you are referring to the clean channel

I too, do not like buckers with the LSS, as a matter of fact, I "only" use strats through my LSS, but it's my favorite strat amp

On the other hand, I bought the 5-25 for how it sounds with buckers.
it's "much" tighter than the LSS, at least in 30w mode, and I get
screaming lead tones, that sustain forever
pretty much have the gain dimed, backed off just a little
have the contour dimed as well

I get really nice bite out of my Les Paul Bridge pickup
think the 10 inch mid-rangey speaker actually helps this
A power chord will not be a match for a 12inch, but I'll
still grettin a great tight crunch out of it

I'm really diggin this amp, it's a tone tweakers dream
I'd guessitmate that the 5:50 is around the same weight as an F-50. Somewhere around 55 lbs. and the 5:25 would probably be around 40 lbs. give or take.
I had a VERY limited tryout with the Express here in Richmond VA. Really only with the 5:50 since I can't do the 10" speaker thing 8)

Played a hum/single/single Strat thru the clean channel and liked the sounds I was getting at "annoy the sales team" volumes. Then switched to the gain channel and was mildly impressed...
As a disclaimer, the Strat was not my choice of guitar and would normally use an LP for this test. Also, the gentleman actually buying the amp was setting the EQ so I can't really attest to the range of tones it can get.
I'm not ready to sell my ROV combo after the test drive but I'd like to hear more.

Brewski said:
I'd guessitmate that the 5:50 is around the same weight as an F-50. Somewhere around 55 lbs. and the 5:25 would probably be around 40 lbs. give or take.
I had a VERY limited tryout with the Express here in Richmond VA. Really only with the 5:50 since I can't do the 10" speaker thing

Played a hum/single/single Strat thru the clean channel and liked the sounds I was getting at "annoy the sales team" volumes. Then switched to the gain channel and was mildly impressed...
As a disclaimer, the Strat was not my choice of guitar and would normally use an LP for this test. Also, the gentleman actually buying the amp was setting the EQ so I can't really attest to the range of tones it can get.
I'm not ready to sell my ROV combo after the test drive but I'd like to hear more.

I hear what you're saying on the 10" speaker thing. It's fine for more intimate venues, as you can push the tubes more with a little less volume, but it does take some getting used to if you're used to playing a 12" speaker, or a multiple 12" speaker cab. The 10's will favor the high end and is a quicker responding speaker.

When I got my shot with the 5:50, I was using humbuckers. I really did like the tones that it had. I think that it was a combination of the 5 watt mode and the tube driven reverb that won me over. If a person is used to an ROV, then the 5:50 may or may not do it, depending on the range of styles that you play. Like anything, it's subjective.

If someone is looking for an amp that has a broad range of tones, and is concerned with having a very good clean sound. I think that this does it very well, without breaking the bank.
Brew.....that's exactly why I'm looking at the Express and tried to like the F-50 before it. The Rectoverb is a wonderful gain amp with some surprisingly good clean sounds. My beef is that it's too heavy and since I'm more of a Neal Schon type player, I don't need over top nu-metal tones. BUT...I still like to get the lush saturation and sustain that the ROV gives me. (I can't find that on the F-50)
I will definitely give the express another try....but with my guitar and my settings 8)

Brewski said:
If a person is used to an ROV, then the 5:50 may or may not do it, depending on the range of styles that you play. Like anything, it's subjective.

If someone is looking for an amp that has a broad range of tones, and is concerned with having a very good clean sound. I think that this does it very well, without breaking the bank.
Notes about the Express. Keep in mind that the tone stack is like the F series in that if you have all the tone controls on zero, the amp will not make a sound. At least 1 of the T/M/B knobs must be turned.
Also, something that bugs me just a little, is that the handle is still made out of rubber instead of the leather that comes with the Rectoverb/LS/etc. My $600 Crate has a leather handle!!!!! :?
TheRazMeister said:
I had a VERY limited tryout with the Express
Played a hum/single/single Strat thru the clean channel and liked the sounds I was getting at "annoy the sales team" volumes. Then switched to the gain channel and was mildly impressed...
As a disclaimer, the Strat was not my choice of guitar and would normally use an LP for this test. Also, the gentleman actually buying the amp was setting the EQ so I can't really attest to the range of tones it can get.
I'm not ready to sell my ROV combo after the test drive but I'd like to hear more.


I am curious if you have tried the LSS and can comment as to how they compare. My Strat is an Amer. Deluxe HSS with S-1 switch which I really like, though I read the other day that the SCN pickups are not true single coils. Hasn't really been an issue to me thus far, but other posts seem to state that the LSS favors single coils and I may get a better tone with the Express 5:25, though I will likely use a 1-12 in conjuct. w/ the 10" OR a 2-12, probably with one Alnico and one Ceramic. Not a volume issue, better, fuller sound. I had decided on the LSS until the recent posts on the 5:25. I've played guitar for a while with SS amplification and this will be my first tube amp. Although my lead skills are currently limited, it sounds as if the 5:25 excells over the LSS there, and that is where my focus is. Jeff
Sorry, the only LSS I played was a used one with bad tubes and didn't sound particularly good. The fellow that was looking at the Express amps was returning his LSS for reliability issues. My gut feeling is that the 5:25 will be fine for most applications and certainly will save you a few bucks as well 8)

Strat N My Stuff said:
I am curious if you have tried the LSS and can comment as to how they compare. My Strat is an Amer. Deluxe HSS with S-1 switch which I really like, though I read the other day that the SCN pickups are not true single coils. Hasn't really been an issue to me thus far, but other posts seem to state that the LSS favors single coils and I may get a better tone with the Express 5:25, though I will likely use a 1-12 in conjuct. w/ the 10" OR a 2-12, probably with one Alnico and one Ceramic. Not a volume issue, better, fuller sound. I had decided on the LSS until the recent posts on the 5:25. I've played guitar for a while with SS amplification and this will be my first tube amp. Although my lead skills are currently limited, it sounds as if the 5:25 excells over the LSS there, and that is where my focus is. Jeff
Brew.....that's exactly why I'm looking at the Express and tried to like the F-50 before it. The Rectoverb is a wonderful gain amp with some surprisingly good clean sounds. My beef is that it's too heavy and since I'm more of a Neal Schon type player, I don't need over top nu-metal tones. BUT...I still like to get the lush saturation and sustain that the ROV gives me. (I can't find that on the F-50)
I will definitely give the express another try....but with my guitar and my settings

All The Best to you on the next time that you try the amp. It does make a difference when you try any amp with your own guitar. You'll hear what you like and don't like more easily. If the amp doesn't do it for you at least you still have your ROV.
Amen to that....and deciding whether to keep my nice ROV or get a better amp should be the worst problem I ever had :lol:

BTW - to all that are struggling with Mesa tone controls...what I found works for me is to set the T/M/B to 12:00 and start tweaking from there. Whenever I get frustrated with a new tone setting, I just return things back to noon and immediately feel better. Also, stay away from a combination of high treble and high presence on the gain channel.
ALSO, don't be afraid to use your volume and tone controls on your guitar....backing off the initial signal (guitar) can really work wonders for shaping tone.

Brewski said:
All The Best to you on the next time that you try the amp. It does make a difference when you try any amp with your own guitar. You'll hear what you like and don't like more easily. If the amp doesn't do it for you at least you still have your ROV.
Hi new and have been lurking awhile (usually I'm at the MTS page or some others) Since few have heard this amp, here's my $.02:

I got to play with the 5:50 today next to the F-50 (both 1x12) for about a half hour today. (I'm buying one or the other)

In short, I liked everything about the 5:50 better EXCEPT the Burn mode.
The cleans to my ears one up on the F-50 and the tube reverb is sweet! I didn't try the crunch mode. I tried the blues mode in 5 watt and it seemed pretty cool. I couldn't turn up much because the sales dork came over and was like "Dude! We can't hear the phone at that volume!" (So WHY did you point the amps straight at the sales counter dumbass?) anyways....

The let down for me was the lead channel in burn mode. It's voiced differently to the F-50 and on first impression it didn't knock me out. Even with the contour at full tilt it didn't have that crunchy menacing recto vibe that the F-50 has. It sounded more marhsall to me, but in a boxy way. I reserve the right to change my mind, but so far I think it's (The gain channel) a step backwards. The clean however is KILLER!

I know it's early to contemplate these things, but I wonder if the Burn mode can be modded to the F-50 voicing? Also I didn't double check on the F-50 but it didn't seem like the tone controls did a whole lot. Is that normal?

I'm going to take the amps in the back room on Sunday with MY guitars and try again. Hopefully when I open it up I'll feel differently.

I thought hands down I'd go for the express, but now I don't know. What are F-50's getting discounted to now? They had it for $1050. I might even go used. Are there notable revisions in the F series or are they all pretty much the same since the beginning?
In response to your question about the discounted F series, I know that at the moment, Guitar Center has NOT ordered any Express amps, (except for a few special orders) and the word is that they won't until ALL the F series amps are sold. My local GS had the F-50 (I think) for about $950 when I stopped in there today. My guess is that in short order, they will discount the F series even further because soon it will become apparent that they NEED to get some Express amps in stock!!!