Petrucci's Tone

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2005
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So I'm a big petrucci fan ok?
I REALLY HUGELY DIG his tone on SFAM and Live scenes from new york. (if you want an example, 'spirit carries on' is it for me!)
When I heard his suspended animation album I was shocked by the tone. I hated it. Then it grew on me, and now I'm growing to dislike it again. Especially the tone on the G3 2005 dvd in his set. Really buzzy and eww.

Any other opinions?
Maybe I'm just bigger on C+/triaxes then I am rectos?
I think the switch to the RKs suited the music they played on ToT and Octavarium. I don't necessarily like it better, but playing songs like This Dying Soul, As I Am, and Panic Attack on a traditional Boogie just wouldn't sound as cool. I prefer the songs on SFAM, 6DOIT, etc. better, but the tones on any album are bound to be great.
hey dude ..yeah..i know wat you mean..i am the same...nowhere as smooth as the mk IV /CII+ tone...thats kinda what changed my mind on the roadking/recto in the first place...the tone can be TOO nice and clean..hard to define. why it isn't as nice to my ear's..i think the older amps are a complete pain in the *** to set up but when you do have them nice it sounds wonderful....

dicko have you seen my myspace pick with the orange's and stuff...

If you want to hear more about his tone, read this feature story and in-depth interview:

Enjoy :)
I just bought a Dual Rec 3ch and I was wondering the same types of thing. Is it mostly the head itself that shapes JP's tone or is it the other processors he has in his rack?
I'm pretty sure his great basic tone is the one coming straight from the head, then he might add some effects just to refine it.
Personally i like very much petrucci's tone on SFAM, but also the crushing crunch on ToT. Never listened to petrucci's suspended animation, only heard him on G3 2005 and i must agree with grandor, i'm quite disappointed concerning his tone.
When i listen to I&W (still my overall favourite album) i sometimes feel the guitar tone is great, sometimes quite harsh and inexpressive... did he used a triaxis ora a mkIIC+ on that album?
ytse_jam said:
When i listen to I&W (still my overall favourite album) i sometimes feel the guitar tone is great, sometimes quite harsh and inexpressive... did he used a triaxis ora a mkIIC+ on that album?

Now you've opened the gates of hell! :lol: :D

I myself think he used IIC+'s and a quite possibly a Quad on that album.
I've never been a huge DT/Petrucci fan, but when I was researching the Triaxis and came across an excellent live version of Pull Me Under, I was sold. I'm not sure where they played/recorded that version (wasn't Bodukan), but it sounded incredible. I know he had some effects, etc., but I didn't care, I knew I had to get a Triaxis. But I moved on and now I'm going back to Mesa. I'll have to find that recording again, it rocked.
Does anybody know what JP used for the bluesy solo in the last section of the song Goodnight Kiss from 6 Degrees about 4mins 55secs in to the tune?

That is the best Guitar tone i have ever heard and would love to be able to get near to that.
Flavell777 said:
Does anybody know what JP used for the bluesy solo in the last section of the song Goodnight Kiss from 6 Degrees about 4mins 55secs in to the tune?

That is the best Guitar tone i have ever heard and would love to be able to get near to that.

Pretty sure that was a IIC+. If it's not it was a MK IV, though I really suspect it to be a IIC+. Boosted, most probably.
4Draw said:
Flavell777 said:
Does anybody know what JP used for the bluesy solo in the last section of the song Goodnight Kiss from 6 Degrees about 4mins 55secs in to the tune?

That is the best Guitar tone i have ever heard and would love to be able to get near to that.

Pretty sure that was a IIC+. If it's not it was a MK IV, though I really suspect it to be a IIC+. Boosted, most probably.

I was under the impression that he recorded all of 6DOIT with the IIc+, save for a Recto on Glass Prison.
nocluejimbo said:
4Draw said:
Flavell777 said:
Does anybody know what JP used for the bluesy solo in the last section of the song Goodnight Kiss from 6 Degrees about 4mins 55secs in to the tune?

That is the best Guitar tone i have ever heard and would love to be able to get near to that.

Pretty sure that was a IIC+. If it's not it was a MK IV, though I really suspect it to be a IIC+. Boosted, most probably.

I was under the impression that he recorded all of 6DOIT with the IIc+, save for a Recto on Glass Prison.

Yeah that's what the main assumption is. But I always have trouble believing that stuff. But you're right. I threw the MK IV in for extra precaution, basically.
I really like most of DT tones, lead and rhythm. JP's solo stuff sounds great too but most of this is not the result of the amp as it is his understanding of how to get a great tone out of whichever amp he is using and GREAT Technique. AND he uses a boat-load of processing on any of the amps he is playing with.

I don't want to start a 'Flame Storm' here but for live stuff the Mark IIC+ is pretty limited. You have to change push/pulls, tone controls and the first gain volume to get between a good clean sound and a great lead tone. I have owned 2 of them and I think they are really overrated. Don't get me wrong they have a great lead tone but it is not a Recto or a Marshall or a VHT, etc. I think a lot of people put this magic MOJO on this amp and while it is good, it is not the end-all, 'Nirvona of Tone' that some would want you to believe. I sold the last one about 4 months ago and bought a Lonestar Classic 1x12 that has a MUCH better clean sound and great Mark style crunch sound, (*w/a pushed TubeScreamer in front) with the Best Reverb Mesa has put in an amp to date.

I use a 3ch DR with the Lonestar to get the sounds I like to hear while playing in a 'Live' situation. I could NOT accomplish this with one amp and I didn't think the Triaxis could pull it off as well. I could have bought the RKII and possibly done this but it wasn't available when I bought my Lonestar and DR.
kramerxxx said:
I really like most of DT tones, lead and rhythm. JP's solo stuff sounds great too but most of this is not the result of the amp as it is his understanding of how to get a great tone out of whichever amp he is using and GREAT Technique. AND he uses a boat-load of processing on any of the amps he is playing with.

I don't want to start a 'Flame Storm' here but for live stuff the Mark IIC+ is pretty limited. You have to change push/pulls, tone controls and the first gain volume to get between a good clean sound and a great lead tone. I have owned 2 of them and I think they are really overrated. Don't get me wrong they have a great lead tone but it is not a Recto or a Marshall or a VHT, etc. I think a lot of people put this magic MOJO on this amp and while it is good, it is not the end-all, 'Nirvona of Tone' that some would want you to believe. I sold the last one about 4 months ago and bought a Lonestar Classic 1x12 that has a MUCH better clean sound and great Mark style crunch sound, (*w/a pushed TubeScreamer in front) with the Best Reverb Mesa has put in an amp to date.

I use a 3ch DR with the Lonestar to get the sounds I like to hear while playing in a 'Live' situation. I could NOT accomplish this with one amp and I didn't think the Triaxis could pull it off as well. I could have bought the RKII and possibly done this but it wasn't available when I bought my Lonestar and DR.

Which is why JP uses a minimum of 3 IIC+'s and sometimes a custom MS preamp which he slaves through the IIC+'s.

That we he can dial every seperate IIC+ into the perfect sound he wants for it (i.e. clean, rhythm, lead) and have the rest done with midi and effects and whatnot.

And THAT to me, DOES actually bring forth the nirvana of tone.
Exactly my point....

I sold my IIC+ for $1800

That's 3 x $1800..... Pretty pricey. And this is just for the Mark tones.

I have $1800 plus $725 for my VooDoo Mods in my DR plus cabinet and $1600 in my Lonestar plus an additional cabinet and another $1600 in signal processing and Amp/MIDI switching. To play for $50/per man a night, if we're lucky.

Getting a great sound is crazy expensive.

Oh, and probably 90% of the tone you are trying to get live will be only be noticed by 2% of the Guitarists listening to you. The rest are playing somewhere else that night and the rest of your listening public think you sound great through a Pod. And the last 10% of that tone NOBODY but you will notice. Then on any given night you'll be GAS'ing for a different amp cause you are trying to dial in the ONE sound you hear in your head but little did you know that you have a head cold. Go figure.
Exactly my point....

I sold my IIC+ for $1800

That's 3 x $1800..... Pretty pricey. And this is just for the Mark tones.

I have $1800 plus $725 for my VooDoo Mods in my DR plus cabinet and $1600 in my Lonestar plus an additional cabinet and another $1600 in signal processing and Amp/MIDI switching. To play for $50/per man a night, if we're lucky.

Getting a great sound is crazy expensive.

Oh, and probably 90% of the tone you are trying to get live will be only be noticed by 2% of the Guitarists listening to you. The rest are playing somewhere else that night and the rest of your listening public think you sound great through a Pod. And the last 10% of that tone NOBODY but you will notice. Then on any given night you'll be GAS'ing for a different amp cause you are trying to dial in the ONE sound you hear in your head but little did you know that you have a head cold. Go figure.

Haha, Exactly!!! But we all still do it! Crazy Kids that we are.
Flavell777 said:
Exactly my point....

I sold my IIC+ for $1800

That's 3 x $1800..... Pretty pricey. And this is just for the Mark tones.

I have $1800 plus $725 for my VooDoo Mods in my DR plus cabinet and $1600 in my Lonestar plus an additional cabinet and another $1600 in signal processing and Amp/MIDI switching. To play for $50/per man a night, if we're lucky.

Getting a great sound is crazy expensive.

Oh, and probably 90% of the tone you are trying to get live will be only be noticed by 2% of the Guitarists listening to you. The rest are playing somewhere else that night and the rest of your listening public think you sound great through a Pod. And the last 10% of that tone NOBODY but you will notice. Then on any given night you'll be GAS'ing for a different amp cause you are trying to dial in the ONE sound you hear in your head but little did you know that you have a head cold. Go figure.

Haha, Exactly!!! But we all still do it! Crazy Kids that we are.

Yup! I guess in the end we all want a thread dedicated to us: 'Mister X's Tone'. :) 8)
Everybody with experience knows that once you get it, you can milk YOUR tone from just about any amp. Running around trying to buy everybody else's amp will not lead you to your tone, that only comes from picking an amp and getting to know it. And this takes a WHILE for n00bs (around 3-5 years on average). The ironic thing is most will quit or give up before they even really get there.