peavey classic 50 mods

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What should I do?

  • Bogner mod

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  • Orange caps mod

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Jun 12, 2008
Reaction score
Chapel Hill/Pilot Mtn.
Has anyone heard of a bogner mod for the classic 50? If so, does it significantly improve tone? drive?

Are there any other interesting mods that you guys have tried?

When I ditched my Peavey Classic I felt like I left a small dimly lit room for a large room with windows and plenty of light.
have any of you fellas noticed that this forum is for amps not manufactured by mesa?

I did, which is exactly why I posted here. I'm pretty sure that such forums are intended as a tool with which fellow musicians can assist one another - not insult one another.

So, all you mesa players feeding on the posts of non-mesa players. Piss off, get a life, grow a pair, go **** yourself - or insert an obnoxious or obscene cliche of choice-
Sorry man, but your original post sounded like the classic

"I have a $500 amp. I have no money. I want my $500 amp to sound like a $1500 amp. A guy on a message board said you can mod $500 amps to sound like $1500 amps, so I'm going to plan it all out in excruciating and unrealistic detail despite the fact that I have never picked up a soldering iron before and don't actually understand what these parts I am supposedly going to replace do, except what it says in Wikipedia."

This is one of the three classic board postings, along with

"How do I get massive tube tone at bedroom volume?"


"I had this amp but that wasn't my tone and then I had this one and that wasn't my tone and then I tried this one but it wasn't my tone and now I have this one ordered and I'm sure it's the GREATEST AMP EVER. PS I've been playing guitar for a year."
CoG said:
Sorry man, but your original post sounded like the classic

"I have a $500 amp. I have no money. I want my $500 amp to sound like a $1500 amp. A guy on a message board said you can mod $500 amps to sound like $1500 amps, so I'm going to plan it all out in excruciating and unrealistic detail despite the fact that I have never picked up a soldering iron before and don't actually understand what these parts I am supposedly going to replace do, except what it says in Wikipedia."

This is one of the three classic board postings, along with

"How do I get massive tube tone at bedroom volume?"


"I had this amp but that wasn't my tone and then I had this one and that wasn't my tone and then I tried this one but it wasn't my tone and now I have this one ordered and I'm sure it's the GREATEST AMP EVER. PS I've been playing guitar for a year."

youre forgetting the "how do i get amp a to sound like the vastly different amp b" and the soon to be classic, "$4k discontinued mark threads"
sure, but "sounded like..." fails to atone for condescending jargon on behalf of those of you who have experience with soldering irons (likely implicated in removing your penis).

Of course I have no money. I'm a biology major - my degree is being paid for by the university at which I am enrolled - i'm 21 years old. They give me just enough to get by, and I'd rather not spend my time on engineering lessons(my future salary will eat yours alive). A peavey classic 50 for $100 is good - naturally I'd like it to be better. Modifications can be done, so why not ask advice from those with experience in hopes of actually receiving said advice instead of bullshit condescension?

In a perfect world, you gear whores wouldn't exist. Even in an imperfect world I should be able to benefit from your knowledge without the bullshit. If I'm somehow wrong please do let me know.
dj09 said:
sure, but "sounded like..." fails to atone for condescending jargon on behalf of those of you who have experience with soldering irons (likely implicated in removing your penis).

Of course I have no money. I'm a biology major - my degree is being paid for by the university at which I am enrolled - i'm 21 years old. They give me just enough to get by, and I'd rather not spend my time on engineering lessons(my future salary will eat yours alive). A peavey classic 50 for $100 is good - naturally I'd like it to be better. Modifications can be done, so why not ask advice from those with experience in hopes of actually receiving said advice instead of bullshit condescension?

In a perfect world, you gear whores wouldn't exist. Even in an imperfect world I should be able to benefit from your knowledge without the bullshit. If I'm somehow wrong please do let me know.

just because they are wrong does not mean you are right. if you cut the attitude you might get some pretty decent answers. take it easy man...its only the internet.

mods that cost more than the price of the amp are usually a bad idea. do you buy a squier and then give it some emgs, graphite compensated nut, refret, aftermarket bridge, 500k pots, straplocks, locking tuners etc.?

if its worth more than you payed just sell it and use the profit to buy a better amp. i dont have any experience with the amp but chances are this is a good idea.
Modding cheap amps is more interesting than it is useful. If you're lucky you get more of one thing you want, at the expense of two other things which hopefully you didn't.

Amps weren't generally designed by idiots and usually they're a way for a reason... for example, the "must-do" mod changing the input resistors on an Epiphone Valve Jr. will end up making your VJ almost unplayable if you plug in a guitar with really hot active pickups.

On a more complicated amp, teaching yourself to mod if you have no electronics experience will usually result pretty quickly in an amp that, at best, no longer does things you want it to do, and at worst, just doesn't work and you have no idea why.

There's two separate goals here.

If you're interested in learning to mod, buy a valve jr. or a blackheart and start from there.

If you want a better-sounding amp, sell the Peavey and use the proceeds to buy a better amp.
dj09 said:
Of course I have no money. I'm a biology major - my degree is being paid for by the university at which I am enrolled - i'm 21 years old. They give me just enough to get by, and I'd rather not spend my time on engineering lessons(my future salary will eat yours alive). A peavey classic 50 for $100 is good - naturally I'd like it to be better. Modifications can be done, so why not ask advice from those with experience in hopes of actually receiving said advice instead of bullshit condescension? In a perfect world, you gear whores wouldn't exist. Even in an imperfect world I should be able to benefit from your knowledge without the bullshit. If I'm somehow wrong please do let me know.
All of your RUDE & CHILDISH remarks aside your trying to make a silk purse out of a sows ear. The Classic 50 is what it is, deal with it and quit the verbal harassment. Ones skill with a soldering iron has nothing to do with the inherent design of an amp and how much improvement might or might not be gained from modifications. IMO it's not worth the time or effort trying to make that POS sound better.
BTW I don't give a flying FV(K what your "future income" is.
fortunately, the individual at which that comment was directed has better reading-comprehension skills than do you, sir.

I become rude and childish when I received rude and childish remarks (you were one of the first).
alright, cutting through the noise here....

For $100, you can do a lot worse than a Classic 50. I'd say get the amp and then get some pedals if you are going for a specific sound. There are mods to done on these, but whether they are going to add anything beyond what a pedal or a retube would is debateable.

Regardless of some of the opinions here, there is a lot of love for these amps and they are very reliable. I have a Delta Blues, which is the same basic circuit as the Classic 50 with a 15" speaker and a tremolo. I really like that amp a lot, and many many times my musician friends have commented on the tone I get from it, and then are shocked that yes, it is a PV :) Get it and enjoy it. You can probably sell it again for $100 if you need to!


Richt :)
why quit when ruffling your feathers is so entertaining, kid?

A mod I've heard about will cost about $50 locally - orange drop caps or something. From what I understand, caps wear out over time causing unwanted noise and other problems - my amp is pretty darn old and very noisy at high volume and gain.

The entire point of this thread was to try and find someone who either knows something about this or who has done it already and has valuable input. If this doesn't apply to those of you ranting on this thread, then you've subjected yourself to my sarcasm at your own risk.

I'm a noob to circuitry, not to music - i've been playing for 10 years, so I'm obviously not looking to perform a miracle with an $800 amp. improvements yes, miracles no. please stop assuming i'm stupid and i'll stop assuming you're assholes.

Honestly, haven't you enjoyed the heated conversation? You guys take yourselves too seriously. Fucking gear-whores.
for a poor boy you could do a lot worse than a classic 50. if the amp is acting up a bit, take it to a good tech and have him give it a once over. then get a good pedal and call it a day. i used peavey classics for countless gigs and they've made me a lot of money over the years. i moved on some years ago, but they're solid amps for thier price range.
Dam !!

Just skimmed this thread and could not believe I was on the “Boogie Board”, more like Line6 forum or Harmony Central. But anyway:

I am little surprised at the reaction of the Classic 50, I have a Classic 30 combo and I love this amp! It’s not my Mark IV, it is different but still sounds great I really love the clean channel the most. But!! Mine does have in NOS tubes so that might be the reason why.

Peavey uses PCB so unless you’re real good with a soldering iron would not do a thing heat up those boards to much you might start peeling away the traces. As far as gain my 30 has why more than I will ever need. I think a new set of tubes might be in need.

This caught my attention-

dj09 said:
\ A mod I've heard about will cost about $50 locally - orange drop caps or something. From what I understand, caps wear out over time causing unwanted noise and other problems - my amp is pretty darn old and very noisy at high volume and gain.

Electrolytic caps: recommended changed every 8-10 years. These are NOT the orange caps. If someone told you the orange caps are the ones to be replaced (due to age, wearing) grab your amp and run for the hills! As far as replacing them for some sort of mod that’s different.
Probably tubes and caps if needed, would not go beyond that.

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